Clash of Kings

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Dragon's POV (1st person)

I couldn't believe this kid; he didn't seem to give a flying damn.

So, to recap: Luffy was from the future? He was wondering around a warship, with my shitty old man on board! He was covered head to toe in bandages, I didn't need to be a doctor to know that his wounds were bad. Like seriously bad.

Oh, and he was a crazy criminal, with a stupidly high bounty. Well, the Government seemed to think he was. I just couldn't see it, what could he have possibly done?

I sighed; my head hurt. This stupid kid was gonna get himself killed.

My stupid kid, I couldn't get that out of my head.

This was my kid! Even if he hadn't been born yet, he was still my dumb future son apparently. And he didn't care! Not about the danger we were in or the fact that he was in the past.

Heck, he didn't care about me, his dad.


I was a fucking parent, be damned the child part was gone. I had a fucking teenage son. Oh God. What the hell was I going to do! All I wanted was to get off this cursed ship, away from the old fart. But no, no the universe gave me a freaking son!

I just hoped that bounty of his was because he was strong and not because he'd pissed off a- I don't know? A Tenryubito, who had then tacked a large price on his head.

I had seen something similar happen a little while back. The man in question had confronted one of those bastards when they had taken his wife. Safe to say the poor man hadn't lasted long after he went on the run.

This was one of the many, many reasons he hated this system so much. You had no money, you didn't matter. Weren't born a noble, your life was meaningless. Maybe I could do something? Maybe one day. But not now. Finding a way off this ship was top priority.

Luffy's POV (3rd person)

Luffy was still following his nose, it was never wrong when it came to food. Dra-guy was trailing behind, his face was drawn back into a deep thoughtfully expression. He must have been starving with all the thinking he was doing, Luffy was getting pretty hungry too. Okay, no actually Luffy was famished.

When the straw-hat captain had woken up earlier, it had been because of his growling stomach. He'd been in a jail cell, though he didn't have any shackles on or anything for that matter. The boy had made simple work of the bars, one good punch and the whole prison door went flying. He didn't really care where he was, only that his belly needed filling. Luffy had wandered around aimlessly for a little while, all the while getting, more and more annoyed with the fact that he had not found a single scrap of food.

He had heard the angry yells, normally Luffy wouldn't have cared all that much when food was on his mind, but those shouts sounded so desperate. So, the kid had without a second thought run off to find the voice.

Looking back on it now, Luffy was kinda irritated by the guy. First, he had accused the young captain of lying about his name, then started going on about other weird stuff. Frankly Luffy didn't understand a word of what Dra-guy had said to him. But Luffy did know one thing, which he didn't like. And was being accused of lying .

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