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Luffy's POV

Luffy's breakfast was inhaled faster than normal, he hadn't eaten much yesterday and now he was making up for it. Dragon seemed to be just as enthusiastic about shoving as much food into his mouth as possible, he was in the same boat as Luffy, he was probably starving too. Though he did it in a more dignified way, even by just little.

Marco was trying desperately to grab onto whatever food he could fly from the platter in the middle of the table. Jozu was having a lot more luck, he had no problem fighting for his food, fending off the Monkey's, pushing them out of the way.

Magician on the other hand had given up, he sat on the bench in-between Marco and Dragon, a sultry look on his face.

Jozu having taken pity on his older brother, offered him a hamburger which Magician took grudgingly, a slight redness on his cheeks, obviously embarrassed over it.

Once Luffy was full he lent forwards over the table, sighing contentedly. He liked that fat dozy feeling that took over him when he was satisfied with a meal.

Dragon the other hand was still defending his food from Jozu and Marco, the younger raven thought it was rather funny.

A gust swept through the galley, it caused several pirates to shiver, yet the boy was overjoyed that his future dad had his devil fruit power back. He hadn't stopped using it since he had woken up this morning. He was clearly very happy about it, even if he didn't show it on his face or say anything. The way the air would change a little or how gusts of wind would suddenly whistle past, it seemed to reflect how Dragon was feeling, which Luffy and Marco had debated if he even knew he was doing.

Possibly not.

But that was fine, it was all great! Sure Dragon was kind of annoyed with him for the whole getting the shackles off thing, as Luffy had damaged his wrists, he thought it was all worth it though. When the young captain had mentioned about how badly the the future revolutionary had messed his own hands up, they were way worse then his own, it shut him up.

Everything was going pretty well. Dragon had accepted the Yonko's help, when he had told him that the boy was pretty pleased with that, not that he didn't trust Dragon, but they were already on a ship, he had made some friends and he would have been a little sad to say goodbye so soon.

He would definitely miss Marco. Maybe he would ask him to join his crew, well future Marco anyway. Young Marco wouldn't want to leave his family yet, Luffy thought he was a little young anyway, the straw-hat captain hadn't left Dawn island until he was 17, so, yes Marco was a little too young. But future Marco was fair game.

When he saw future him again he would ask, he wouldn't stop until he said yes. He wouldn't take no for an answer. He could be his- well he hadn't decided what he would be yet. He would be something on his crew anyway.

Newgate wouldn't be overly happy. Oh wait he was dead...

Luffy was suddenly saddened by that realization. He wondered if he should tell him. The Yonko did know he was from the future after all.

It wasn't just Ace who liked the man now, before that was the only reason he had really cared that he was dead, however now he had gotten to know him. Well Luffy quite liked the old guy, he was sort of annoying sometimes, however so were his friends and crew too.

He didn't like to think he had died, especially to Blackbeard. And in such a manner as he did too, Blackbeard hadn't fought him one on one, no, from what he had been told was that Whitebeard had be gunned down by all of Blackbeards crew, that was while he was already dying from all the other wounds he had. Out of respect, Blackbeard should have fought him one on one.

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