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Marco's POV

Marco could see the blood dripping heavily from Luffy's fingers, yet the ravens face was a brightly lit with a giant grin.

Dragon's shackles were off, the internal chain was tightly restricting Luffy's fingers, the blackened Armament haki that was covering the teenager's hand had stopped it from going straight through his flesh and bone, however his right hand had suffered, his bone was broken, his fingers were held at a odd angle.

But that didn't stop him from cheerfully laughing, Marco decided in that moment his friend was an absolute badass. While the blonde boy could easily laugh off injuries, that was also down to the fact that the pain dulled almost instantly as it started to heal. Yet here was Luffy, he was badly hurt and somehow he could just grin, no fear or painful regret.

Marco wanted to be like him, strong and brave, no fear and no regret.

Man he was so cool. Dragon was so lucky to have such a cool brother. Then again drunk Pops had decided he was his son, considering the amount of times he corrected Luffy when he called him 'Not so old' guy. So most likely non drunk Pops felt the same, he just had a lot more restraint.
So lucky Marco, he had a awesome brother after all.

While the blonde teenager had been admiring his less than willing 'brother', Pops had chucked the shackles into the ocean, rather enthusiastically he might add.
When he was done, he looked as if a load had been lifted from his shoulders.

The old bag was undoing the chains around Luffy's limbs, not overly gently either, she was pulling at them roughly, the raven sat on the bed next Dragon letting the woman do her thing without complaint.

Blood was oozing all over the place, the metal links were cutting deep however the he never flinched or tried to pull away. Quite happy to sit there quietly, it made Marco feel a little ashamed, he remembered when the doctor had been treating his eyes and he had wailed, fought and been a general pain the ass. Not because it really hurt him, but more out of spite for the old woman.

Finally the chains fell to the floor, Luffy was staring off into the distance, his gaze not fixed on anything in particular, when the metal hit the wooden planks the teenage didn't so much as blink. He seemed to be in a world of his own.

Marco's thoughts were brought back to the conversation before, when the raven had told them about his crew.

Was that what he was thinking about?
Come to think about, the Phoenix often caught Luffy staring off into space. It brought up a lot of questions.

"Luffy where's your crew, yoi?"

The younger captain peered up from his spot, fixing his attention on Marco. Pops, who had decided to sit next to the bed, back resting against it, opened his eyes and turned slightly to look at Luffy. Obviously he was curious too.

"They aren't here now" He answered half-heartedly, his eyes falling to the ground, he suddenly a pained expression passed his face.

What did he mean? Not here now, were they... dead. That was the impression he gave anyway.

"What are they dead?" Both Pops and the Phoenix aimed angry stares on the doctor, who was currently stitching up the raven's wounds.

Didn't she know anything about talking to people. She shouldn't ask something so insensitive.

"No" Luffy answered straight way. Though, there was definitely a warning in his voice, a clear indicator that he wasn't going to put up with such disrespect.

Well as long as they were alive, the Phoenix was glad, he dreaded to think how upset Luffy would have been, considering how much Marco had badgered him before. He would have been such a awful friend.
"Oh, huh. So, I mean you miss them, yoi" Marco stumbled out, he winced at how lame that sounded.

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