Vice Admiral Garp

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Garp POV (3rd person)

Was this kid for real? Garp really couldn't believe it, the brat looked ridiculous! He was just bouncing on the spot... He was like a big rubber ball.

Why did he do that to himself? To kill Garp off with laughter! Well it was working. The boy looked so stupid. His upper body was swollen with muscles, while his legs were tiny, skinny twigs. Why hadn't he fallen over yet?

The brat's serious face just didn't match the current situation. The dumbass was bouncing. Bouncing for crying out loud...

For a second there I actually thought he was serio-

The vice Admiral didn't have time to finish that thought as a huge reddish black fist slammed into his stomach

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The vice Admiral didn't have time to finish that thought as a huge reddish black fist slammed into his stomach. He was sent flying, he hit the deck violently, but his body continued on its unwilling journey. He was rolling and tearing though wooden boards like butter as he went, until he finally managed to catch himself on his feet, Garp skidded to a halt finally.

That had actually hurt. That actually hurt a lot!

His ribs were screaming, red hot pain was all he could feel for the moment. Lungs burned as he tried to breathe, instead he gagged horribly. Taking slow painful gulps of air, he tried to regain some dignity. Did he really just get sent flying by an injured brat! Maybe Garp should start taking this a little more seriously, that wasn't a weak hit. It had a hell of lot of power behind it.

Then again, the tremor inducing hit Newgate had landed on his chest before was still hurting. That man's power was nothing but bordering on the insane. He was pretty sure he had several broken ribs, if that was all it was then it would have to be a miracle.

The older man straightened up a bit deciding to watch the kid's movements, they were erratic and didn't seem to have a pattern to them. So this brat knew how to fight. Garp grinned.

Should've been more careful, I let my guard down. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice.

The straw hat fired off a flurry of giant fists, Garp parried them easily enough with his good non broken arm, throwing a few punches off course as they smashed though the deck. The vessel was rattling. The vice Admiral's flag ship groaned as the whole thing began to crumble. Pieces of the warship were raining down, as the boy's path of destruction carried on.

Oops, I don't think my ship is going to last much longer! I really need to stop this stupid little wrecking ball.

The man covered his fist with haki, striking out. The brat bounded out of the way, then twisted midair to return the strike with one of his own, the marine slid out of the way, Straw-hat's feet crushing the remaining boards that still clung to the shaking vessel.

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