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Whitebeard’s POV

His awareness slowly took hold, forming a painful blurred image as he opened his eyes. Newgate knew this awful thumping headache all too well, it wasn’t really a headache and more of an agonizing migraine.

He was hungover.

A distinct taste lingered in his mouth, making the man want to gag. In a slow deliberate movement he lifted his face from his pillow, which honestly didn’t help much, it still felt too fast.

As soon as he had his head up a wave of nausea hit him, the bile at the back of his throat was disgusting. Propping himself up on an elbow which was followed up with a deep steadying breath, it didn’t help the nausea much, there was some comfort in knowing that he hadn’t thrown up. Yet.

His other arm seemed to be trapped by something silky, he froze, it left him wondering what it was for a moment until a soft sleepy murmur came from it, one he recognized.

Relaxing immediately, it was Whitey, he ran his thumb over her head or what he thought was hers, however their hair didn’t feel like smooth silk, it was much tougher, coarse even. Dreadlocks. Rakuyo was there as well, his sister seemed to be using him as a pillow, which was causing him to snore.

 Newgate gingerly moving her off, poor boy probably couldn’t breathe. He set her down on the mattress, then picked off her brother as well, freeing his forearm.

They were sound asleep and they didn’t take up much of the bed. Seeing as they were no bother, he left them be.

It wasn’t like these two would mind that much anyway, it would be a different story if it had been someone like Fossa or Andre, neither of them would have been happy. They didn’t like physical contact all that much, they were more emotionally unavailable and this sort of thing would have really bothered them.

While Rakuyo was so laidback, he always had his arm draped around someone’s shoulder or he would be joking good naturally. The Yonko could pick up the kid, within ten minutes he would be asleep or in a little world of his own. He was from a very poor background, he used to be an angry teenager, always getting into fights. His family had forced him to work for a farmer as a work hand, the boy was paid an abysmal amount and his parents took every cent of it. It would have been fine if his mother and father worked, but they didn’t, they sat on their fat asses all day, living off the money their then 15-year old son was making. And half the time they wouldn’t even feed Rakuyo enough, when Newgate had come across the boy, he had been nothing but skin and bones. The Yonko had taken pity on him, brought him something to eat for dinner, suddenly this angry grumpy teenager vanished and was replaced with a cheerful thankful kid and that was that. Rakuyo never left Newgate again.

Whitey, despite her often-annoyed aloof exterior, she was actually rather clingy, needing affection almost constantly, she was insecure and more than a little fragile. Newgate had met her when she was still a young girl, she’d had a rough start in life and when he had taken her away from the awful place she lived in, she had been so distrustful and scared that she had tried to kill him on several occasions. The blonde man finally got through to her eventually, it had taken a lot of work but it was all worth it. These day, the girl was often glued to his side, she would follow Newgate around in a uncaring manner, which was rather funny. She was too embarrassed to actually ask for some attention, when he did give her some, she never complained.

He pushed them away from him, he was starting to feel sick again, the last thing he wanted to was- Well he didn’t want to think about it.

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