Shocking news

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I was in a haze and a fog it clouded my mind and I wasn't entirely sure where I was. Although I knew I was no longer in pain, that was something, right?

When I last woke I was in a burning agony, it blinded me to almost everything. The only thing I really remember was seeing Luffy, with big worried eyes. I knew I didn't like seeing that, then I told him I was fine and I also recall telling the boy not to get anyone.
I didn't want anymore help from the Yonko's crew. I had had enough of them, especially their captain, he had butted in more than enough.

Yet, here I was lying in bed, I was no longer in any pain, in fact I couldn't even register the chains around my wrists. I didn't feel drained, well not the normal drained feeling anyway, I was tired, but I don't think it was same as the other tiredness I'd come to know.

To be honest I haven't felt this good in a long time and that was awful when I really thought about it...

My eyes slowly opened taking in the darkness or at least I thought would be darkness, however there was a soft glow in the corner. Warm flickering from a flame came from a small oil lamp, I think there was a couple more than I was used to. It brightened up our room considerably.

Why was there so many lights? The dizziness my mind was in made the edges of my vision blur, there was a shape next to me, a moment of focusing later, it was one with a straw hat.

There was also another lying next Luffy or at least trying to, blonde spikes of hair was all I could really make out. Mario. Maurice, no, the blonde kid Luffy was friends with was there. Half his body was hanging off the mattress, that didn't seem to stop the boy from snoozing soundly.

What was he doing there? Not that it really bothered me that much, it was confusion as to why he was here, in our room asleep and not in his own.


Wait, Luffy did go get someone! That damn kid! I told him not to, doesn't he ever listen. If blondie is here, then surely he would have noticed my- uh- poor state. Wonderful just what we need. More eyes on us. Not to mention they saw-

I started to get up, at least try to anyway, but my body had other ideas and I fell forwards into my pillow before I even managed to prop myself up on my elbow.

I was half expecting to get tangled in my chains like normal, to hear them jangle. Silence. Where were my shackles?
Looking down towards my wrists, nothing was there, except for clean bandages. No hand cuffs.

I was stunned, I reached out touching my bare wrist, disbelief, I probed the area, rubbing the spot where the metal had been. There wasn't anything there.

My eyes were wide, my throat closed up. Grabbed my hand, running fingers up to my forearm. Nothing. There was nothing.

No that can't be right... I can't be free.

But there wasn't anything there...

I was free.

I was free!

A wave of emotions hit me like a train, I was happy, I was shocked and I felt like I was dreaming.

Was I dreaming?

In that moment I didn't care, a large smile enveloped my face, I sniffed a little, hot tears ran down my cheeks and took over my vision.

I'm free !

Those shackles had been my burden for a year. And just like that they were gone. It was to good be true. They were my reminder that my life wasn't worth much, I was a prisoner in my family. I meant very little.

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