Sinking problem

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Dragon's POV

This had gone from bad to worse within the space of about 2 minutes! Luffy had turned into this giant wrecking ball thing, he'd actually been keeping up with Garp! Then he started to smoke, I mean his body had been doing already doing that, but I got the impression that this time it was a bad sign. He'd been getting more sluggish, his breathing had started to hitch every so often.

And I couldn't do anything!

My arms were completely useless, to the point that I had no feeling in them at all. The only thing I could do was watch! Luffy wasn't going to win I knew that. Everytime I went to shout, tell him to run away, my voice would fail. Frustration, anger and panic was slowly building up to the point I was shaking, which my more than likely broken ribs did not appreciate.

The pirates had retreated. I had heard a booming voice ordering them to get back to their ship (I presume was Whitebeards), followed by the thunder of hundreds of feet disappearing. In the background I could hear multiple Marines shouting, someone was still fighting them. Who was anyone's guess.

Garp had landed a hit on the poor kid, the sickening crack that followed was all I needed to know that it must have hurt. Luffy was hurled straight through the mast, that had been the final straw for the warship as it collapsed in on itself.

It was official I was panicking, the boat was going down, I tried and failed to get up and onto my feet. I had to do something! I needed to get us off this wreck before we were drowned.

I need to get us out! Luffy is going to drown, I'm going to drown!

I once again tried to move, ignoring the suffocating pain my lungs were in. I managed to roll onto my knees, my hands hung pathetically in front of me. At this stage they were a hindrance, I almost wanted to tear them off. At least if they were gone, then so would the shackles. We could fly out of this situation and never look back.

Then Luffy's body gave out, he'd put himself between me and the old geezer. His whole body seemed to explode with steam, he began to shrink, until he was laying unconscious in front of me. The boy wasn't in good shape, his injuries were a mess. He was coated in a blanket of bruises, several older wounds that had been masterly stitched together were now oozing with blood.

I shuffled towards him, my body screamed in protest at the small movement. My eyes were wide with horror, my boy wasn't okay. His breathing was shallow, there was hardly any raise and fall of his chest. My heart twisted.

"Lu-fff-y g-get up. Pl-eeease."

My voice shook, this was my fault. If I hadn't asked him to free me from my locked room, he wouldn't have been laying here.

My poor boy...

I don't really know you, I've only just met you, why do I care! I BARELY KNOW YOU! SO WHY DOES THIS HURT SO MUCH!

Whitebeard POV (3rd person)

It wasn't very often that Newgate got really pissed off, in fact he tried to make sure he didn't lose his temper at all, but today was an exception.

Things had been fine, he was fighting off Garp with relative ease. Yes, Garp had landed a couple of hits, nothing he couldn't shrug off and Newgate had thrown a few of his own. The battle wasn't really a serious one, just a spar between rivals. Neither of them were trying to kill the other. Overall nothing too bad.

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