My name is Dragon *updated*

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Dragon's POV

The sea was getting darker, night was falling and the air was definitely getting colder, maybe we were sailing towards a winter island?

I wasn't sure when we'd arrive, maybe by nightfall tomorrow? Either way that's not what I was worried about. I was worried about Luffy.

When we arrived back in the cabin he went straight to his hammock, he was clearly very upset. And I wasn't really sure how to comfort him, also I wasn't even sure if he wanted to be comforted.

I've never been good at the emotional stuff, for the longest time I just kept everything trapped up inside, choosing to ignore emotions. I had always found it easier, however it wasn't just me anymore. I couldn't just keep them all locked inside, they wouldn't stay there and that annoyed me to no end.

I'm not entirely sure what had changed, but since my meltdown the other night I couldn't shut them off, the floodgates had opened and I don't think they were shutting anytime soon.

God it was so much easier. It was so much easier when it was just me. Saying that, I'm not sure if I would want it to be me and only me now.

Luffy was somebody I cared about. I hadn't really given a damn for a long time, but because of him, I finally felt like a real person. He treated me like a real person. He saw me, not the old geezer or a burden. Just me. Dragon.

That made me happy? Yes, it made me happy.

I turned to gaze in his direction, his back was to me as he lay there unmoving. What could I do to make him happy again? I couldn't understand why he had to tell them. Surely it hurt talking about it so why think about it at all?

I never thought about my mother or the old geezer. When I did it made me feel awful, so why think about it? If you never thought about it then you would never hurt.

I didn't want him to hurt.

I sighed dragging myself over to my bed, slumping down on it. The bed was directly below Luffy's hammock, in fact if I didn't duck my head then I would have hit my head on his suspended body.

"Hey Lu? You awake?" I asked softly, there was a long pause, just as I was beginning suspect that he was asleep or was at the very least choosing to ignore me, the boy spoke up. "Yeah..."

"Are you okay? I mean I know you're not but I just, uh, well..." I broke off, I had no clue what to say.

"You know I think I am." Luffy admitted quietly, I turned my head up in surprise, he had an arm held out, almost like he was reaching for the ceiling. Or maybe he was reaching for the heavens.

"Seriously?" I asked dumbfounded, I wasn't expecting that.

"Yeah. I kinda wanted to tell' em for a while." He sounded calm, there was sadness in his voice but it didn't shake. There was a clear resolve in the way he spoke, no regret.

"Why did you tell them? Doesn't it hurt? Wouldn't you rather not think about it" I blurted out; I just didn't want him to think about something so painful. I couldn't understand why he would want to put himself through something like that.

He was silent for a while, I was unsure if he was going to answer, maybe I had upset him. That was never my intention...

"Dragon do you ever think about your mom?" Luffy asked out of the blue, once again it threw me off. What did my mom have to do with this whole situation?

"No. Not really, I don't like thinking about her..."

"So, you never talk about her?"

"No. As I said I don't like thinking about her."

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