Snail call

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Whitey Bay's POV

Whitey knocked on the door, a hollow sound rang out, it was followed nothing. The Yonko was obviously asleep.

The woman entered anyway, she wasn't having a meltdown, she wasn't having a meltdown!

Okay, maybe she was a having a little one. It was tiny. But she had every right to one, honestly, the person on the other end of the transponder snail was kind of a big deal.

It was 6 in the morning, the only reason she had even heard the damn thing was because she was on her way to bed, Whitey really hated night watch, someone had to do it and she was a someone.

She wished she'd ignored the ringing snail. It was too late now.

Clutching the transponder to her chest, walking around a pile of clothes that had been dumped carelessly. You'd think a grown man would have a little more respect for his clothes, then she dismissed it, the reason he did it was because he was a man. Well that was in her experience anyway. She did have a lot of brothers, to her point.

The blue haired woman noted the large lump on the bed, the blanket had been chucked off, another thing on the floor.

She jabbed the man in the side, Whitey got no response, she hit him harder, nothing.

Oh, come on! This was a big problem, could Pops not sleep so deeply, not now.

When Whitey first came along she tried to kill him numerous times, including when he was asleep and he would wake up immediately. But now when she was jabbing him pretty hard, he didn't so much as twitch.

She didn't want to scream at him because the person on the snail would hear, time was getting on, soon they would start getting mad.

Screw it! The woman sighed resigning herself to what she was about to do. She really didn't want to but this was an emergency!

Climbing on top of the bed, she made her way over to his face, until she was staring at the large black bruise that Garp had left behind. She kicked it.

Pops reaction wasn't the desired outcome, he grunted and swatted her away, like a fly. She stumbled backwards from the backhand she received, the woman almost toppled off the bed.

That was it! Whitey was pissed.

She placed the transponder snail down on the bed.

Ice started to climb up her arms, a weird little ability she had developed from her home island of snow and ice. She stormed over to the Yonko, grabbed his moustache and yanked it.


Pops groaned grumpily, opening his golden eyes, fixing his gaze on her. He tried to pry her off his moustache, however she wasn't letting go, not until he got his ass up.

"Ow, hey, ow! Whitey what are you doing? Get off!"

He finally sat up looking especially peeved, she released his facial hair and angrily pointed to the transponder snail next to his leg.

Pops wasn't paying attention to where she pointing, instead opting to rearrange his moustache. He still didn't look happy.

"Pops, someone wants to talk to you!" she said through gritted teeth.

"Can't they wait. You did just try to forcibly remove my mousta-"

"Please just answer the damn snail" Whitey interrupted, she was seriously stressed out and tired, couldn't he just cooperate for once.

He finally glared at her, his angry grimace dropped almost instantly. She didn't know what her face was doing, however what ever it was, had made him stop.

She sighed from exhaustion, the woman went and retrieved the snail, the person on the other end was still there at least.

Whitey offered the transponder to her father but he waved her off, simply gesturing for her to pick it up. To be fair his hands would have probably crushed the poor creature anyway.

"Hello? Uh, I got po- I mean my captain, so here you go" Whitey said, her tone trembled slightly, she was so, so stressed.

A large hand patted her on the head, then he lent over. A face appeared over the snails.

"Hello, Roger here! Newgate? I got some stuff to ask you."

Pops grumbled under his breath, however he put on his best captain's voice " What do you want Roger."

"Aww, don't be like that. Anyway have you seen a red-haired boy?"

Pops raised his eyebrow, a look of puzzlement crossing his face.

"No, are talking about the one with your old straw-hat?"

"Yes! That's the one and only, it's just someone's gone and taken him from my crew!"

The Yonko stiffened lightly, Whitey didn't like where this was going either.

"What are you accusing me Roger, because-"

"What no, stupid Newgate! I'm not accusing you, I just figured you might of heard something"

Pops twitched a little from the stupid comment. The woman had to admit it took a great deal of patience to deal with Roger, it took even more brain power. From what she had seen of him, he liked to rile people up and sadly Pops was quite easy to offend. Pops and his damn pride.

"No I haven't seen your brat."

"Oh, well worth an ask. By the way what's your problem with the Marines, I read the articl-?"

"Is that all you wanted?" Pops snapped, to be fair, Whitey probably wouldn't have a lot of patience when she first woke up either. Urk, she was so tired.

"Touchy subject, didn't attack the Marine base did you."

That made Pops freeze, there was clearly something more to that comment.

"No I didn't..." The blonde man said suspiciously.

"Figured as much, there's actually a reason I wanted to call you. Thought you might be dead."

"WHAT!" Whitey snapped, she was not having this man insult her stupid dad.

"Oh, the little lady still there. Gaban has a crush on you!"

Whitey was embarrassed. Men were the worst, she was a warrior, could they not get crushes on her! She was a fighter, it was already hard enough that some men refused to fight her because she was a girl and now this!

It was so infuriating!

Pops immediately got extremely defensive over that, good, he'll set him straight.

"If that Scopper goes within a 10 foot radius of my daught-"


Never mind he was the worse too.

"WAHAHAHAHA! Newgate, you're such an easy target, say something slightly off about one of your kids and you lose it. It's great!"

Pops growled, bristling angrily, however he took a deep breath and calmed himself somewhat.

"You thought I was dead, I'm not going to up and die anytime soon."

"No, no. I know that, you're way to stubborn, but get this there's this guy who has the same devil fruit as you. Gura Gura no mi, right. That's why I wanted to call you, cause that was the guy that took Shanks!"

"Wait how is that even possible? There can only be one of the same devil fruit active at one time." Whitey said with a frown wrinkling her brow.

"Yeah that's what I heard, so when this Blackbeard guy punched the air and caused a earthquake, I figured Newgate was dead. But I thought that was strange, I hadn't heard anything about it. I'm sure if someone had taken down the "strongest man in the world" they would want to brag about it. Still not sold on you being strongest though, we are pretty even."

"Urk that's what you're worried about! Isn't being the 'world's best swordsman' enough for you." The woman growled with irritation. How did his crew cope with this person. He was so obnoxious.

Whitey then sighed, then again her captain wasn't much better. He wasn't obnoxious, sure, but he was annoying and as stubborn as a mule.

Why did she join again. Oh, right. He was her family and she had literally no choice in the matter, he didn't leave her alone until she agreed to become his daughter... Ah yes, good times.

"Blackbeard? That's was what he called himself?" Pops suddenly asked, he had a thoughtful look on his face.

"Yeah, he was a big ugly bastard with a scruffy black beard, didn't he get the memo, moustaches are way cooler. Anyway, he found us on an island not too far from Dressrosa. I didn't actually see him, I only felt the quake. Shanks was with Rayleigh at the time, he went and attacked them right in the middle of town. We didn't know what he wanted, until one of his lackey's took off with Shanks, Rayleigh was too busy fighting off Blackbeard to do anything. And the other apprentice with them couldn't do anything, he's just a kid..."

"I see. Well I'm alive." Pops said firmly, a slight warning in his tone.

"Come on Newgate! You gotta know something! I mean I don't know how devil fruits work, maybe you can, I don't know, uh, find out his location or mind control him."

"What are you a kid? That's not how they work. How does your mind even come up with that?" Pops uttered with a aggravation in his voice.

Whitey just nodded in agreement. This man was something else.

"Hey it was worth an ask. Anyway, one more thing, if you do happen to see Shanks could ya, maybe help him out, you know if you find him first."

Pops sighed heavily, aspiration on his face.

"He's not my ki-"

"You owe me Newgate. It's the least you can do."

"FINE! But only because you keep dangling that damn debt in front of my face, the next time you ask something of me, it better be on your knees. I'm going to be putting my family in danger because of you, I hope you know that!"

"Thank you Newgate, I mean, hopefully I'll find him before that even happens and hopefully use that debt for something else."

"That's not how it works Roger!"

"Bye! Bye little lady!" Roger hung up, leaving a angry Pops alone with her.

"That damn Roger! Who the hell does he think he is!" Pops huffed, rubbing his temples.

Whitey shook her head, placing the transponder snail down. She was so tired and speaking to that man was such a headache, she couldn't believe she had been so nervous about him calling. He was just a huge moron.

"You about that Blackbeard don't you. Why didn't you just say that, Roger woul-"

"Whitey it's not that simple... it's complicated. It's not something to discuss with a another pirate. Even if it is Roger."

"I don't know what you mean." The woman mumbled, she yawning slightly.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." He reassured, ruffling her hair affectionately. Normally that would have annoyed her, but she was too tired to care.

"You always say stuff like that, even when everything isn't fine."

"Really, well this is fine."

"I don't believe you. I know something's going on... Something you aren't telling everyone. I know Marco knows something, maybe I'll ask him."

Pops winced at her words. Marco was pretty easy to get talking, especially when she knew how. And Pops knew it.

"Fine I'll tell you, but nobody else can know."


"Spoilt brat..."

"You raised me."

"Point taken"

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