The great pirate Gol D Roger

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"Who are you?" Came Shanks's small voice, his face was scrunched up in thought, the bruising around his eyes made it all the more noticeable that he was in slight pain. Under Rogers large grin was a dark monstrous rage, who the fuck did this to his ki- cremate!?

Hang on, did he just ask him who he was? That probably wasn't good. Shanks wasn't the kind to make those kinds of jokes, he would expect that from Buggy or Gaban, maybe even a pissed off Rayleigh, but not Shanks.

"Shanks it's me... you know Roger." The pirate captain said softly, his concern growing as the red-haired boy continued to frown, there was no recognition on his face. It was like the kid was staring at a stranger. Roger's anger grew, a slight twitch in his upper lip, pulling his normal carefree smile into a grimace.

He turned his attention towards the blonde lad with the top hat, he was stood in a protective stance in front of his boy, a metal pipe in hand, smoke was rising from one of his arms. A nasty burn covered his right eye, the wound looked old, making Roger wonder how old he had been when it happened. So probably nothing to do with smoking randomly...

He quickly determined that the blonde guy wasn't his enemy, though the utterly dumbfounded look on his face told him he wasn't in much of a state to be in a fight either. Not to mention as he had been jumping over from Oro Jackson, he had seen the chap having some kind of fit. Definitely not in a good way to be fighting, once he was finished decimating the Blackbeard raft thingy, he'd get Crocus to have a look at him.

"I donno what's happening exactly, but I'm not you're enemy. Stay there, I'm gonna go sink a fancy raft." With that Roger passed them by, swiftly sprinting into a run, getting his sabre Ace into position, holding it in a way similar to how one would swing a baseball bat.

His blade sparked to life as he covered it in Conquerors haki, jagged black lightning erupted as he leapt into the air, putting all his rage into his swing. "Divine Punishment" He roared. The raft was promptly sliced in two, along with the ocean. It was like the sea had been parted, he could see several hundred feet down into the mysterious hidden world of the ocean.

The wind broke loose, the screams of his enemies lost in it. Roger suddenly came to the not-so-great conclusion that he hadn't thought this all through, because the small little fishing boat was being dragged towards the watery drop he had created.

"Whoops..." he muttered landing on the currently in danger of sinking boat, he turned his gaze towards the youngsters, blondie had snapped out of his shock and was now holding Shanks against him. "Sorry! Got a little carried away!" Roger laughed, his normal carefree personality back again. He was still mad about what happened to Shanks but at least he had killed the buggers. Much easier than he first thought it'd be... Rayleigh had such a tough time when he first met them too. Ah well. Whatever!

Roger ran back over, grabbing Shanks out of blondies grasp, shoving the kid under his arm. "WAIT! Sabo ate a devil fruit, he'll drown!" Roger froze having been about to go for a swim, he was very aware that they were in trouble, the ocean was moments away from swallowing them whole. The raven visibly rolled his eyes. Damn devil fruit users! Without another word Roger grabbed Sabo under his other arm, ignoring the lads' sudden protests and dove into the water. Sabo immediately went limp in his grip making it harder for the man to stay afloat, he broke the surface, pulling both dead weight and Shanks upwards. The current was strong, he was lucky he was such a great swimmer.

"Captain over here!" Sunbell yelled, the fishman jetted towards them, skimming over the waves without difficulty, the only way a fishman could. Roger grinned all too pleased to off load Sabo on him "Thanks mate, you're a lifesaver!" Like normal the fishman went bright red, blushing at the compliment, was it even a compliment? Either way he looked away embarrassed "Awww shut up! I ain't happy you asshole." Roger sniggered, grabbing a rope that had been tossed at him from Jackson.

Once they were out of the water and Rayleigh had wacked him over the head with his sheathed sword, for Roger's stupid decisions apparently, the subject was shifted towards Shanks and Sabo. And boy were there was some questions for them.

His whole crew bombarded them with everything under the sun, from what happened to Shanks to who Sabo was, to even things like what booze Sabo wanted to drink... Finally, his first mate put an end to the growing row from the steering wheel, having been the only sensible one to actually move them away from Rogers enthusiastic Blackbeard pirates' slaughter. "Will you all shut up! How can they tell us anything if you're all shouting!"

Shanks was sat next to Sabo, once again a deep frown cut into his face, as if he was trying to remember something. Maybe he really had forgotten them...? That's how it seemed anyway. Then Sabo spoke up clearing his throat, he had a glassy eyed stare going on, confusion and worry woven into his features. "He's got amnesia..."

"Amnesia!" Crocus said, he had appeared carrying his doctors' bag, it was the first thing he had said when he came on board, though of course his doctor didn't need to be asked, he had already gone to get his stuff.

"Sorry... I don't remember anything." Shanks sighed, the poor boy looked absolutely awful, lacking his ordinary jovial personality.

"Nothing at all, not even me?" Roger asked quietly, of course he already knew the answer, but he just didn't want to believe it. He had raised Shanks since... well since he found him in that place as a baby.

"No... but are you the R guy from my Vivre card?" The red-head asked hopefully.

Roger nodded, for once he didn't feel like smiling, all he could feel was the rage bubbling to the surface again. How dare that mother fucker, do this to his fucking kid!

"Heh, I'm glad about that! Sabo looks like they know me! I'll remember real soon, right?" Shanks said perking up a little, Sabo smiled, though once again he looked nervous about something, though it didn't seem to be because they were pirates. The way he was quietly puzzled, made Roger think that he was concerned over something else.

"Who are you exactly? Are you a pirate?" Rayleigh asked, Sabo didn't react, he was looking down at his hands, deep in thought, clearly not having heard him. So, Shanks decided to answer "He's Sabo. We escaped from Blackbeard together, he decided to help me find you guys even though he wanted to find his little brother, Blackbeard's after him too."

At the mention of his little brother the blond looked up, however asking something else entirely unrelated "Do you have a newspaper?"

Rayleigh paused for a moment, before shrugging "Oi Buggy! Grab the newspaper!"

From behind two crates came the ship's second apprentice, slowly shuffling towards them, a newspaper in a white knuckled grip, which he handed over to Sabo. "Buggy?" Shanks said suddenly, a look of clarity in his eyes, the other boy looked up startled "You know me?"

"BUGGY! I KNOW YOU!" The red-haired kid yelled bouncing towards him, smashing into his body making it split into sections for a brief second, he was pulled into an uncomfortable looking hug. A light smile appeared on the red nosed boy, before it was covered up with his normal annoyed scowl. "GET OFF SHANKS! YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME!"

"Why do you remember him!" Roger wailed feeling betrayed! He rolled onto his side in a pathetic heap, holding his knees to his chest in a over dramatic fit of jealousy "OI, RAYLEIGH WHY DOES HE KNOW BUGGY AND NOT ME!"

His first mate ignored him, instead deciding to congratulate Shanks on being able to remember something along with the rest of the crew. Roger pouted not enjoying being ignored, then just as things were about quietened down again, Sabo shouted in a horrified voice "30 years!"

Roger pushed himself back onto his feet, coming to crouch over the blond lad's shoulder, seeing what had gotten that kind of response. The captain hadn't read the newspaper today, he had been too dead set on finding his traitorous kid Can't remember the guy who changed his diapers, but he can remember the kid that he's only known for three years... of course.

One of Big Mom's biscuit ships had been captured in a photograph, it always amazed the raven how the news people got these kinds of photos, especially in the middle of the sea with no civilization for hundreds of miles. The shot was of a half-destroyed ship, a boy with a straw-hat was mid attack, appearing to be punching a tall lanky man in the nuts. Newgate was stood to the side, a large sack of treasure slug over his shoulder. And finally a third guy with long shaggy black hair, he seemed to be floating, apparently trying to drag the straw hat boy away. The picture was pretty bad quality, having been taken at a fair distance away.

"Oh, Newgate's in the newspaper again. Who's the new kids he's picked up this time? I like the one with the straw hat, very co-"

"WHAT! NO! LUFFY! AND IS THAT DRAGON?" Sabo screeched as his eyes landed on the article that Roger had just pointed out. His head lolled to the side, he looked about ready to have a brain Aneurism.

"What, do you know them...?"

"Yeah... that's my baby brother and my da- boss... I think"

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