A normal day

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Dragon's POV

We've been wandering around here for three days now without restriction and somehow things had become normal...?

We just kind of fell into a routine I suppose, Mario no that's not right- Maurice? No that's not it either. Either way the blonde kid would come and wake us up every single morning without fail.

Usually he has- what's his name? Well, a young swordsman with him. He was pretty polite compared to that weird blonde kid, he was kind of rude like Luffy.

He would barge into our room shouting for us to get up, I mean come on, this is our room. He could at least be respectful about.

Then we are dragged to the Galley to eat, I mean eating is definitely one of my pleasures in life, I loved to eat, but I don't enjoy the cooks staring at us, like they were going to flambé us.

It wasn't fun.

We stole food from them one time, we got it, we shouldn't have done it. It's in the past now so could we just move on?

The answer was no.

Every time we went up to get food we had to apologise again or they wouldn't serve us. All the while Luffy would complain, calling them stingy. I don't think that the name calling helped.

Not to mention every time we went into the cafeteria, the whole crew would stare. Some serious, some disapproving and some, some thought we were something to stare at.

I genuinely hated it; they were judging us. The same judgmental glares I had always gotten; they weren't seeing me they were seeing the old geezer.

It didn't matter wherever I went, I was always going to be that man's son, I was never going to get away from that.

And I hated that fact, why did they have to see him? I didn't want to be anything like him, I didn't even want to be related to him, so why did everyone have to see my old Geezer in me?

Well at least Luffy didn't seem to care, if anything, he just completely ignored it, like most things to be to be honest.

I wish I didn't give a damn.

Life would be so much simpler.

But it would be wrong to say everyone looked at us like that, the majority didn't really seem to care. They would mostly just ignore us and to be frank I preferred that.

Anyway, things could have be worse, we could have been chained up somewhere in a cell. At least we had some sort of freedom, we could wander around anywhere we wanted on this ship, there was no restriction.

Which admittedly weirded me out.

They didn't even know us, for all they knew we could have been Marines in disguise. But for some reason, we were still allowed to go anywhere we wanted.

When we had taken a trip up to the library, we were allowed to take some books away, I had picked up a sea chart and some paper with pens. They hadn't so much as questioned our motives.

They were for the plan.

I'd marked out the position where the marine warships had been sailing, the Marine base where we had visited just before the attack and now I had made some mental notes on the closest possible islands that the Whitebeard ship had visited.

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