People are the worst

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Dragon's POV

This is all such a pain in the ass, as much as I hate admit it, training sounds like a good idea. Training Luffy that is, I don't want to train, in fact a majority of my life with the Marines has been spent training and it has never been fun.

He seemed eager now, earlier the kid had been acting a little odd. When I say odd, I mean odd for Luffy, he's always a little strange, but then he starts going on about gut feels and he lost me.

Hey, I can appreciate a gut feeling, however my boy had been worrying about it to much, I think it's probably all in his head. Gut feels are just that a feeling in your gut, something your body does when you eat something funny or your overly stressed. Like me, I so freaking stressed, 24/7, seven days a week.

But the way the kid was acting it was something terrible, I'm sure, if anything bad is going to happen, it will just happen. Nothing anyone can do about it, in fact I expect at least something bad will befall us, pretty everyday.

It's not if, but when.

By the time we arrive top deck Luffy was back to his old self. Not a care in the world. Also the old man was waiting for them, I'm guessing for the training. Honestly I was still not feeling overly pleased with having accepted his help.

Also he was a huge headache now, well more than he was before anyway. He had gotten this thing into his head and I would appreciate if he got it out and stomped on it. That was the whole you are my son crap. What was wrong with old man. I did not know, but he was a pain in the ass. Didn't I have enough to worry about, without this stupid old man's delusions.

"Hey Pops! Can Luffy and Dragon training with us, yoi?" Marco asked the Yonko, who glanced up from where he was waiting.

He was sat on he chair on deck, the blue haired woman was stood next to him, along with the ball and chain man, who currently did not have said weapon. It still weirded me out how the flail thing was alive.
Never mind, this whole crew was bat shit crazy. I don't know why I keep forgetting that.

I cut in quickly before the old man could say anything, I didn't want to spend more time with him then I had to.

"Nope, just Luffy. I have other stuff to do."

Whitebeards delusions freaked me out, I already had to deal with more than I would like to, because of the Luffy situation.

But that was as far as I was willing to go with it. As soon as Luffy was back home, I was off this ship as fast as possible. I didn't care what this man had to say, even though he said about me staying past then and gathering some money together for my Revolutionary stuff, I wasn't sold on it.

What if he didn't keep his word. Then what?

"What getting outside help are we boys. I don't mind, you kids won't win even with them helping you." Whitebeard giving them a cocky grin.

Wait, hang on. Them?.

"I said I pass on the whole training stuff, I'm not a kid and I don't need training!" I snapped, I wasn't letting the old man selfishly disregard my decisions.

"What? Why not, please Dragon, yoi." Marco asked dejected, he gave me a pleading stare which I ignored easily, the only one who charms I wasn't immune to, seemed to be Luffy and even then it wasn't a guarantee to work.

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