A flashback of sorts

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Author here!

I just wanted to thank everyone! I know it's been a while, I've been suffering with bad depression and the ADHD hasn't helped I couldn’t muster enough energy to write this chapter. Anyway thanks again for those that were patient and didn't badger me for the next part.

Peace out.


Luffy’s POV (dream)

Luffy was being shook, would they stop? Stop! STOP!

He sat up right, angrily shouting to get off. Then the young boy opened his eyes, he was met with his older brother Ace, he had a annoyed scowl firmly in place.

“Get up! Stop lounging around!” The older child snapped, he crawled off the bed Luffy was sat in and the younger boy watched him open the door and slam it shut behind him.

Luffy slid out of bed with a slight frown, but started to get ready none the less. Why did Ace have to be so mean? He was upset this morning, he wasn’t usually that rough with him.

The door opened again, Luffy’s other brother came in, his short blonde hair was mostly hidden under his top hat. Sabo smiled, coming to sit next Luffy on the bed.

“Hey Luffy. Don’t worry about Ace, he’s just upset about what he read in the newspaper, there was an article about his real dad...”

“Dad was in the newspaper?” Luffy was suddenly very interested, the young boy missed his father Dragon whenever he went away, though he did make a point of visiting as much as he could and would usually stay for at least a week.

“I said Ace's dad Luffy... you know-" Sabo lowered his voice to a whisper “-Gold Roger...

“Oh! The pirate king!” Luffy uttered loudly, totally missing the point of Sabo being quiet, the blonde boy face palmed, hissing an irritated “Luffy!”

Luffy frowned at his brother confused as to why he was mad at him, what did he do?
Sabo turned towards the door to their bedroom, sighing, he seemed relieved for some reason, but the young raven was just happy that his big brother was looking less mad.

“Come on Lu, let’s go, before Ace comes back and shakes you again.”

The younger boy didn’t like that at all, so he jumped off the bed, running to the door, bouncing on the spot waiting for Sabo to join him in going downstairs. Luffy didn’t want to go on his own, not when Ace was being mad.

Sabo shook his head slightly amused as he stepped up next to him, the blond led the way down the steps, until they reached the bottom. Their annoying bandit caretaker was in the middle of a rowing match with Ace. Nothing new there...

Luffy was sort of glad that Ace was busy yelling at someone else, at least his angry brother wasn't aiming his temper at him.

The younger raven's face immediately brightening at the smell of meat, Ace and Sabo forgotten as his stomach took over his brain with food. He dashed passed Dadan and his oldest brother and into the next room, skidding to a halt in front of the mountain of meat, or where it should have been, instead sat a dark cloaked man, with messy long black hair and a tribal tattoo. He was the culprit! He stole his breakfast!

"Hello Lu" The most wanted man in the world grinned, his sharp eyes gleaming in amusement as his youngest son puffed out his cheeks furiously.

"YOU STOLE MY MEAT!" Luffy yelled outraged, jumping on his father in a fit of anger, but to the young boys utter annoyance, he fell straight through him in a heap.
"Dad?!" Sabo shouted much more overjoyed then his little brother, who was trying and failing to attack their father.

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