Drunk Pops

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Marco's POV

Marco and Luffy were down in the kitchen store room, sorting the stocks into alphabetical order.

The Phoenix thought it was pretty pointless, it was food, they were going to throw it all together to cook it anyway. Why bother, just dump it anywhere.

Darius the head chef had told them to do what Gloria said, she was the sous-chef and the neat freak that was forcing them to do this stupid job.

She was a huge woman, with strong stocky arms and green hair pulled into a loose ponytail. The woman was always prim and proper, proudly wearing her chef uniform and she had every right to as well Gloria was a great cook! She was lovely lady, always laughing heartily and grinning but when you working under her, she was a slave driver.

She would work you into the ground, every single thing had to be perfect! The sous-chef was a perfectionist!

Marco wasn't entirely sure how long he had been in this dumb store room, hours maybe? He was hoping it would turn 8 O'clock soon.

Luffy was getting extremely crabby, he was hungry and everyone knew it. He complained every two minutes, Marco was enjoying watching Gloria getting pissed off with him. He didn't hate her by any means, but she was also the one who was forcing them to stack crates in alphabetical order!

There was a lot letters in the alphabet and the boy was getting tired.

"Come on lady just a little food, just a bit of meat..."

Luffy wailed as he dumped two crates stacked on top of each other in 'L' section.

"For the last damn time, NO! YOU'RE BEING PUNISHED!"

The woman retorted, pushing the boxes over an inch with her foot, lining them up with the others.


Marco snorted at Luffy, he was trying not to laugh and antagonizing the Sous-chef more. He didn't want more work.

She smacked the blonde over the back the head, he scowled rubbing his throbbing skull.

"Hey! What was that for, yoi?"

She glowered down at the boy, pointing to his wonky pile of crates and he groaned.

"Right, right! I'm sorry I'll fix them, yoi"

She left him to sort out his mess, he was really hoping 8 O'clock would come soon.

When they arrived back in the kitchen there was something going on. Several of the cooking staff were huddled around the door, peering out, talking in hushed tones.

Darius was closest to the entrance to the Galley, he looked especially worried, sweat was running down his face. He was leaning against the frame, a couple of people were piled behind him, peeking over his broad shoulders.

"What's going on?"

Gloria asked, she walked over to her small crowd of nervous co-workers, the woman towered over them, gazing over their heads and into the canteen. Whatever she had caught sight of made her go as white as a sheet.

"He's drunk..."

The head chef whispered, he turned around to face the woman, shooing away the group behind him. They all went back to their job's half-heartedly, the air felt tense.

"What happened? We have to get him outta here, dinner time is about to start."

The green haired woman announced in a slightly anxious tone.

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