War of Marineford

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Marco's POV

Marco wasn't entirely sure what was happening, though after Luffy uttered Ace's message, things got very quiet.

Of course, he understood that these were Luffy's brother's last words, but why he was relaying it to them, he did not know.

Though everyone else seemed to get it. Pops and Dragon were very quiet and solemn, Whitey was sat there with slight tears in her eyes and Luffy wasn't looking very happy, however he did look relieved, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Marco didn't really know what to say or do. The fact that he wasn't even sure of situation made it worse. He went over the whole thing again, trying to pick apart the whole conversation.

Ace's last words: "Thank you for caring about someone like me... This good-for-nothing this world never wanted, who has such bad blood in his veins... Thank you for loving me!"

Before he came to a conclusion Luffy spoke up, he drew his gaze over them briefly before setting his sights back on the sea.

"It happened about 2 years ago... that is in my 'now'. As I said before, Ace was captured by Blackbeard and taken to Impel down. I actually went there, went all the way down to level 6 but I was too late, he had been moved to Marineford by then. So, we stole a Marine ship and took it there, that's where a huge war was. You guys and your ally's vs the Marines. Everyone was there, even the 3 Admirals..." Luffy paused, he turned back to look at them, his face unreadable.

Marco snuck a look at everyone else too, Dragon had gotten up and was stood next to Luffy, he seemed as if he wanted to comfort him, but was having trouble with knowing how.

Pops on the other hand had a mixture of anger and upset written into his expression. The blonde teen had no clue what was going on in his head, until what Luffy said finally sank in.

He had said they were there, right? They had gone to save Ace...

That's when Marco got it... They were Ace's crew... That's why Luffy was telling them this. Suddenly he felt a little bit sick, they had known, were going to know Ace and he was Luffy's brother.

They had lost Luffy's brother.

They had failed to save Ace... He was dead because they could not save him.

Marco was wracked with guilt, not only did he feel awful for Luffy, but he actually was sad over Ace. Not only had Luffy lost his brother, Marco had lost a brother too.

And Pops had lost his son... No wonder he looked the way he did, he probably felt just as bad as Marco, maybe even worse.

After a moment Luffy continued.

"We fell into Marineford, everything was frozen, everyone was fighting the Marines. Crocodile tried to fight old man Newgate, but I stopped him, then old man Newgate told me to leave. I told wasn't going anywhere without saving Ace-"

Dragon interjected, he was suddenly looking extremely uneasy "Hang on Luffy! You said that everything was frozen right? Was Kuzan there by any chance? At that point who are the Admirals? It can't still be Zephyr, Sengoku an-" Then Luffy interrupted him "The Admirals? You mean the ones in the Summit war or the ones now?"

The long-haired raven was giving Luffy a anxious look, so much for him not asking about the future. Not that Marco was much better, but usually Dragon was normally the sensible one.

"Wait. Both? So they changed in the last two years? What happened?"

"The ones at the war were the light guy, Kuzan? He's the ice guy, right? And Sakazuki... The ones now... There's the blind swordsman, the light guy, I think...? I don't know the other one?"

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