Escape plan

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Dragon's POV

I was stood with my ear to the door, for once it was silent, the Moby Dick seemed to have become still, there was no loud voices or the constant stream of bangs and crashes from a normal working vessel. The Yonko ship was empty.

The crazy old hag that had threatened us wasn't here. I heard her stomp out of the next room some time ago, leaving the infirmary in the hands of some person named Tam.

Luffy was sulking after our little discussion, he was hunched over his chest, arms crossed and mouth pulled into pout. I opted to ignore him for now.

The conversation was an absolute nightmare, getting him to listen and actually take in the information was so hard that it was like hitting a brick wall.

But slowly I managed to chip away at the wall enough to get him to understand the situation and the danger he was in.

He was in the past, if he told the wrong person, it could completely alter history, it could erase people from his future if something happened to that person in the past.

It was bad enough that he had met me, that in itself was extremely dangerous, I had to make sure I didn't know anything from my future, as it could change the life of the one that I was trying to drill it into.

Luffy may not be born at all.

It wasn't like I could leave the kid to his own devices; the future would be ruined before the first day was over. I would just have to tread lightly.

Then again, it's not like Luffy even kno-

I shook that thought out of my head before it started to even form properly.

Forcing a future, you already knew could theoretically mess up that future more, while you tried to follow said timeline... Or something. It made sense in my head at least.

Point was that it was hard enough for me to grasp let alone my stupid future son, his attention span was about as good as a goldfish.

But even after all that he didn't care it was only when I said:

"Luffy listen, if you meet someone important in your life now or something that that will cause a big event in your life now, now being the past now, then there is a possibility that you won't meet them in the future, that being your 'now' okay. Like if you meet I don't know that Sanji guy for example, or someone who is important to Sanji like his parents and his parents don't meet because you got in the way of them doing, uh stuff- Then Sanji wouldn't exist or you may never meet him in your 'now'. Do you get what I'm saying? You can't interfere with that stuff, because you being the future 'now' doesn't exist yet in this 'now'"

Luffy shut up and listened.

"So I wouldn't be able to find my crew and set sail, because they aren't the same as 'my' crew?"

Luffy was frowning, his face was going red, lips draw into a strong line of concentration. He wasn't happy.

"That means you can't tell me or anyone about your 'now' got it. Just think you're doing this for your crew."

I was searching his face for any sign that he was still not getting it.

"Yeaaaah I get it. Now isn't now, but my now is this now, but not the now I normally have?"

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