Where's the boss?

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Luffy's POV

Luffy was having a decent fight, not exactly what he was looking for to really challenge him. Tongue guy wasn't nearly as strong as the one they had fought, maybe 'this now' Tongue guy wasn't as tough as the one from 'his now'. While he really wanted to sent the stupid candy jerk flying right now, however he was actually quite a good opponent to practice with, Luffy learned 'fighting stuff' much faster if he was actually fighting. Also Luffy was enjoying beating him up for what he did to Pedro and his crew. Especially the Pedro thing though. If he hadn't gotten in the way, Pedro wouldn't have done that...

So far Luffy just kept hitting him, not the way Newgate did it at all, when he hit stuff it didn't make contact with the enemy. The straw hat captain on the other hand just keep hitting properly, it was really frustrating. As for the Conqueror haki thing, well so far he hadn't managed that either.


Luffy had sent his opponent flying again, the candy man smashed into the mast and let out a loud yelp of pain. Sighing, the raven ran after him, fist raised striking the bastard, though Tongue guy rolled out of the way and the same motion swung his candy cane at him again. The boy ducked out of the way, focus his haki outside of his armament covered arm, throwing a punch into his under belly. The fist made contact, flinging the devil fruit user through several floor boards.

"Work dammit!" Luffy complained, it was then that he took notice of Dragon fighting through the pirate fodder. He looked especially angry, maybe even a little hurt, not physically but like someone had emotionally stung him. He wondered what had gotten him so worked up, well it's not like he had the time to ask him, Tongue guy was charging. The young captain leapt out of the way, just as the tall lanky man caused several sharp pointy candy spikes to shot at him, the candy cane came down on him. Luffy sprang into the air, setting off a 'Gomu Gomu no Gatling' which hit his target multiple times, this time though this didn't send him flying, managing to block the blows with a sticky shield.

Finally he was getting serious! Luffy grinned viciously, maybe his training could finally start properly.

The candy man once again bolted forwards, he was yelling about something but Luffy really didn't care enough to actually listen, he was more interested in the fight. Tongue guy sprang sending several candy arrows straight for him, Luffy rolled out the way, dancing around the missiles smashing into the biscuit floor, before swinging around a leg in a 'Gomu Gomu no whip' and hitting him rather heavily. The enemy was sent sailing, smashing through several of the edible support beams, the ship veered, causing it to shake violently.

"MY NAME IS DRAGON THE REVOLUTIONARY! I'M GOING TO FUCK OVER THE WORLD GOVERNMENT!" Dragon's voice rang out loud and clear, it was full of a strong confident conviction. The hair on the back of Luffy's neck stood on end, a chill ran through him, a huge wave of Conqueror's haki flashed through the air, Luffy span in the direction of origin. Luffy grinned widely, chuckling. "Good for you Dragon!" He was so glad Dragon was no longer being dumb anymore, he finally knew who he was. "About time!"

Tongue guy had recovered, a wave of blue candy rose up behind him, it was then chucked straight at Luffy. Still grinning Luffy activated Gear Third, his arm swelling to massive proportions, a huge fist over shadowing the small biscuit ship. It plowed straight through the liquid candy, crushing Perospero.

Maybe Luffy was a little over enthusiastic...

Sabo's POV

So Sabo wasn't having a good time, in fact it wasn't even remotely okay at all. He had no trouble finding a transponder snail, that wasn't the problem. No the problem was the snail frequency he was trying to get ahold of didn't exist! He had tried everything, even contacted a couple of friends, that he could of have asked for help. However their frequencies didn't exist either, the only frequency he did manage to get through to was a person he didn't even know, so now what?

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