The ghost of a past king

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Red as he had been called by Sabo, stood at the stern of the small fishing boat they had stolen. This felt so natural, the sea breeze ruffling his hair, the small little splattering's of sea water thrown into his face was so nice. Even though the island was fine, this felt so much more natural to the young boy.

Sabo had told Red that he thought that could be a pirate, somehow when he had mentioned it, something inside himself had agreed. He thought so too. However, he had no idea who his crew was or how he had even wound up in that little shack to begin with. His first memory being Sabo's concerned face.

He looked down into the palm of his hand when his Vivre card sat, it was jumping around towards the east, the R written on it almost looked familiar. It would of been nice if the persons name had been on it instead, it may have helped him to remember something else. But he did know one thing, he wanted to find who ever this R person was, not just because of his broken memory either. He definitely missed who ever they were.

"Red, is it still moving east?"

"Yeah! I think it's moving slower now."

Sabo had jumped down from their small mast from letting the canvas loose, the wind gathering behind the sail, pushing them onwards. The small boat rocked as he landed, the red-head watched him carefully, making sure he didn't fall. Sabo had explained to Red that he had a devil fruit, so if he fell in the water he would sink, though once again this didn't feel like news to the boy. Maybe he knew someone who had eaten one?

They had been sailing for at least a few days at this point, the two had fallen into a somewhat normal routine, while the boat was small it did need to be manned by more than one person. Red surprisingly understood all the ship jargon Sabo came out with, as well as having a good understanding of how to sail. Overall Red felt very at home, much more so then he ever did on the island.

They would take turns steering, while the other would be look out. They would rotate every other hour or so. Red was just so thankful that he had met Sabo, he wasn't just a competent sailor, but also a really genuinely nice guy. Not to mention the luck he had meeting someone else that had amnesia, if it wasn't for Sabo's reassurance the boy doubted, he would be doing nearly as well as he was.

"If it's slowed then we must be getting closer."

Red beamed excitedly, looking back over the ocean. "Really! So, we'll find them soon then!"

Sabo chuckled coming over to ruffle his hair, Red just let him, he was just relieved. This whole thing would be over, he'd get his memories back and he would find this R person and everything would go back to normal.

Then he came to the sudden realisation that once he found his crew, he would have to say goodbye to Sabo. His heart sank, his grin slowly dropping. "Red? What's up? Aren't you happy?"

"Yeah of course... but you're gonna leave."

Sabo sighed, giving the boy a soft smile, gently resting his hand on his shoulder. "Hey, we'll always be friends, I'm not going to forget you, are you gonna forget me?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Then what's the problem? We can always meet again; this isn't goodbye forever. But your crew are probably really worried about you, they'll be over the moon to see you again."

Red nodded quietly; he did understand. That didn't stop the kid from worrying about Sabo. "Maybe I can help you fight Blackbeard; I could help you find your brother too..."

Sabo groaned, crossing his arms. A look of sternness had come over the blondes face, in a firm voice said "Red, we've been over this. Blackbeard is dangerous, no offence kid but I can't protect you and fight him"

"Don't worry you don't need to protect me! I can protect myself! Let me help Sabo, I don't want you to fight Blackbeard on your own... I can help!" Red implored, he tried to make himself as menacing as possible, all he ended up looking like was an angry red-haired poodle, not quite the look he was going for.

Sabo did appreciate the gesture; however, he could not let a young kid fight somebody as dangerous as that man. The guy had already beaten the kid up enough, he did not want that happening to Red again.

"Sorry Red. That's not happening." Sabo went straight into big brother mode; he was putting his foot down. There was no it's or but's.

Red pouted, his beaten-up face scrunching up in a way that looked painful. He opened his mouth, yet Sabo cut him off before he could say anything "Red, no! That's the end of it!"

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