Training time (written story)

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Luffy's POV

Luffy and the apprentices had followed Newgate to a much more plain part of the deck. It was clear from structures and anything that would get damaged in a fight, probably a good place to train.

"Here we are" announced Magician. Luffy studied the surroundings, there was two support beams on either side of them, he took notice of them as they would make good slingshot places.

There wasn't much else he could see that would be overly helpful, but this was training. It wasn't supposed to be easy, he knew how hard it could get, especially when he thought back on his time with Rayleigh.

How was he supposed to get stronger if everything was a walk in the park, anyway Newgate was a Yonko so he had to be able to teach Luffy something new.

"Hey Luffy guess what we get if we win, yoi" Marco said turning to his raven friend with a grin.

The straw-hat captain wasn't really interested in winning, not that Luffy wouldn't mind winning but that wasn't why he had come with them. He wanted to get stronger before his fight with Kaido.

"The Chefs will cook us anything we want if we win, yoi"

Never mind Luffy wanted to win, he wanted to win a lot.

The small bit of brain power that the young captain possessed was suddenly overtake with meat. Meat dancing in his mind, nothing else mattered anymore. Meat. MEAT!

"They'll cook me lots of meat!" Luffy drooled, his eyes were sparkling brightly.

"YOSH!" He turned to Newgate a large grin was thrown his direction, he was going to win that meat. He slammed his fists together eagerly. "I'm going to kick your ass old man!"

Luffy threw himself into a fast run towards the older captain.

The Yonko chuckled mockingly, he lent forwards a little adjusting his height so he was in a better position to punch the kid. "Is that right little brat."

The raven briefly heard Marco call after him, something about a plan he didn't know about. However, Luffy dismissed the plan thing, why did they need a plan when they were fighting. Fighting was fighting.

Luffy felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, his observation haki activated in that moment, he realized that the Yonko was right next to him, his fist drawn back.

"Oh crap he's faster then I thought! I can't get out of the way!" The straw-hat captain thought out loud, he only had time to bring his arms up and in front of his face to block the hit.

"LUFFY!" Luffy's blonde friend shouted.

His sore injured wrists stung as the punch landed, he was thrown backwards, sent rolling and skidding over the floor boards, he did manage to catch himself as he tumbled, landing on his feet and slid to a halt.

The mystery bird flew over to where the raven had landed, he pushed himself up with his hand to his knee, glaring angrily in Newgates direction.

"Are you okay, yoi?" Marco asked worry dripping from his tone, Luffy didn't know why he was so concerned, it's not like the punch had really hurt all that much, in fact Luffy was annoyed that the old man wasn't trying to cause him harm.

What kind of training was this?

Training was supposed to be rough, yet that hit hardly bothered the teenager at all.

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