Captain Sakazuki

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Marco's POV

Ever since the incident with Garp and the Marines three days ago, the crew had been a little more jumpy than normal. The fact that Pops had brought back Garp's sons hadn't helped the matter. Even though everyone could understand why their father had saved them, it didn't mean everyone was happy about it.

Marco was one of the few who didn't really see what all the fuss was about. Yeah, they were Garp's kids, but the vice Admiral was a terrible parent and when the two of them were brought on board, they had been so badly beaten and bloody that everyone had assumed that Pops was the one injured.

How were they remotely dangerous?

Nobody had seen the brothers since Marilyn had taken them away, apart from Pops that was. Marco had heard that they were still alive, apart from that and couple of other things he basically knew nothing.

The phoenix really wanted to go see them, even if it was just to know what they looked like. He had heard from Tam that the youngest had stretchy skin and he really wanted to know if he had a devil fruit.

But sneaking into the infirmary was like a suicide mission, if you went in there you wouldn't come back the same person. The head doctor wasn't afraid of chucking him over board or trying to chase the blonde around with a scalpel. He had no idea how Tam coped with the old bag. She was scary, insane and he wouldn't be surprised if she was the root of all evil.

All in all, Marco would prefer to live.

When a small island came into view, the Whitebeard crew had cheered. They could finally restock and do some much-needed repairs. The Moby Dick had been hit more than once during the Marine attack, having gotten rather damaged. There was a hole in the haul that had been making people particularly nervous. They had patched it up the best they could, didn't necessarily mean it would hold up during a bad storm.

Landing on the uninhabited side of the island, as they didn't want to cause the locals any alarm and the crew got to work.

Marco along with Vista and Jozu were practically shaking with excitement, they hadn't been off the Moby for about a month. The three of them were starting to get especially twitchy, they were fuelled with too much energy and weren't able to burn it off.

The younger members of the pirates had gone exploring along the coast line and through the woods near the ship, it was good fun for about first day, but they had quickly gotten bored.

Normally the boys wouldn't have been allowed to explore on their own unless it was deemed pretty safe. Safe being that the New World was a dangerous place and this island wasn't as dangerous as most. And as Marco and the other two apprentices didn't have bounty posters yet, so they could get away with wandering around towns without much worry. Nobody would recognize them as part of the Whitebeard pirates.

They were in luck.

So, the next day they put their normal plan into action and started purposely getting in the way of the adults and generally being a huge nuisance. Until Marco, Jozu and Vista had gotten permission to visit the small town from an irritated Rakuyo, with the promise to keep out of trouble and to make sure they took care of their 12-year-old brother.

The brothers had set off through the forest, all the way laughing and making fun of one another. Marco would fly up over the trees every so often, making sure that they were headed in the right direction. It wasn't a long walk until several quaint buildings came into view, the kids grinned at each and began running towards their destination.

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