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A couple hours later --- 3rd person


"What are we going to do" Freya says trying to keep it together, while Keelin trys  to comfort her.

"Should we release her for a week or longer, should take her somewhere" 

"I would say take her to New Orleans, but I don't know if the city will push back at her arrival." Kol sighs

"We can't just force her back to school after this" Caroline says

"If she were a human I would send her to rehab, but she isn't human." Alaric says putting his hand on his head

"She's afraid of hurting people becoming a mini Klaus, if you will" all attention turns to Cami

"That's why she remembers who she feeds on in fact she has been able to list everyone she fed on" Which confuses Marcel,Freya,and Kol.

"She feels like she owes them something so she remembers them and either helps or gives them something" Cami explains 

"Why the bloody hell would she do that" Kol says completely confused by the whole situation.

"She wants to keep her humanity so bad" Cami Continues " It wouldn't be unusual if she did this because she wanted to be human" 

"Why would she want to be human"Kol says even more upset and confused. 

"She wants a simple life where she doesn't have to worry about magic or feeding. That's why I suggest she takes off a little while to partake in the simple pleasures of life. Spending time with Family, Hiking, painting, and such" Cami suggests

Freya and Keelin nod at that idea agreeing that they would take hope out of school for a while

Kol,Marcel,Davina,and the rest of the Mikaelsons go to tell Hope and Rebekah the plan.

"You know we could use a new therapist here since Emma quit" Caroline says to Alaric's shock

"Really" Cami says excited to finally get to work again


Sorry for not updating yesterday I had a lot on my plate. Thank you for the votes I love opening my laptop to see them!! This is my 50th part published (Can you believe it)!! I wouldn't have made it this far in the story without your praise and support! So many times throughout writing this I thought about quitting then I would get a notification that someone voted on my story or asked me to continue. If you don't write you don't know how amazing it is to see that someone voted, commented, or just read your story. Thank you everyone for your support and love!!!

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