Freya and Keelins House

406 19 2

Hope POV


"So let me get this straight you over the course of three months you have been kicked out of multiple establishments, Trashed a school, and broke a prison world" Aunt Freya says astounded

"How much trouble am I in" I say chuckling and flinching

"Hope I don't know what to do,Sure I'm pissed that you didn't tell me about everything going on, but I also just want to give you a big hug and tell you everything is going to be all right." She says stroking my hair like she did when I was little.

"Is it okay if I take a nap," I say sinking in my seat

"Of course" She says smiling and looking down at me

I toss and turn in the seat until I get comfy

I stare out the window gazing upon the night sky until I finally drift off to sleep





Third POV


"Hope wake up we're here" Freya says rubbing hopes shoulder softly

Hope shoots up looking for Josie then realizes she is in her Aunt's car thats now at her house.

Hope grabs her bag from the backseat of the mini-van and jogs to catch up with her.

"Hope do you remember where the spare room is" Freya says grabbing her keys to open the door.

"Yep" Hope says rubbing her eyes

The door opens revealing an almost blinding light

Both women squit trying to adjust their eyes

"Hello...Ba--........Hope" Keelin says switching gears

"Hello, Aunt Keelin" She says heading to the guest room

After Hope shuts the door to the room

Keelin whispers "What the hell happened,also a text would have been nice"

Freya stares into space, rubbing her tired eyes

"Earth to Freya" She say waving her hand playfully

"Sorry, I've been lost in thought"Freya says halfway between chuckling and crying

"What is it" Keelin says grabbing one of Freya's hands

"Hope is pregnant" Freya says looking keelin in the eyes as her understanding face expression melts into shock

It takes Keelin moments to process

"And.... Idon'tknowwhattodoI'msupposedtobetheadultandhavealltheanswer....She's just a kid" Freya says starting to crying

"Hey, you don't need to have all the answers, you just need to be there and suportive thats all, also how was she able to hide a pregnancy for....." 

"Almost four months" Freya says looking up

"Four months" Keelin repeats Jaw dropped

"That wasn't even the reason the school called me down there, if hope didn't say anything she probably would have stayed there undetected for weeks" Freya says chuckling

"How about we hop in bed and you tell me more" keelin says rubbing her eyes 


Hope POV


I set my duffle bag on the ground and slide into bed still tired 

I blink in and out of consciousness focusing on the light peaking in the room from underneath the door

My phone buzzes snapping me out of my hazy state

I pick up my phone to answer the call

"Hello" I say groggily

"Hello Hopey, I was just calling to say goodnight" Josie says softly into the phone

"Thank you, Jo....wait how did you know I am here rn" I ask confused

"Ok, so at first I was calculating how long it would take you to get there including bathroom and snack breaks.....then I realized I could just look at your location on snapchat" Josie chuckles

"How did I get the cutest girlfriend in the world" I chuckle back

"Just lucky I guess, well I'm going to let you get your sleep, I love you" She says sassily then her tone turns sweet.

"I love you too, goodnight" I say sweetly before hanging up and drifting to sleep.

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