What did I do?

426 18 1

Hope POV


Cami and I walk down to the Alaric's office after trying really hard to cover up the lip stain marks on my cheek.

"I dead dead dead dead double dead, triple dead" I say quietly panicking

"Don't worry, well unless you have did something truely terrible" She says trying to calm me down

I look at her as if she cut and mashed up a frog into little pieces and ate it infront of me

"It's that bad" She says putting her hand to my head then looking back at me

"OHHHOHO yeah" I say in a sarcastic tone

"I thought you said you didn't know what you were in trouble for"

"I don't" I say annoyed

"On a scale from expelled to lunch dettention, how scared should I be" Cami says in somewhat of a worried shout

"ummm.... 5 years in prison" I say twiddling my fingers

"You're joking" She says in a completely serious face

"nope" I say openning the door to the office

"What do you mean..." She stops midway through her sentence after I open the door

I take a seat next to my Aunt Freya planning my possible escape routes

"I have called you hear today to discuss this past month"

Shit what did he mean by this past month?!!!

Caroline and I are locked in a staring contest both of us trying to figure out whats happening.(Caroline is confused by the lipstick mark)

"This past month..." I struggle 

"Hope you have been out of it this past month, your grades have been slipping, your nightmares have been getting worse, your powers uncontrollable, and your mood all over the place most days you won't get out of bed."

I look down at my shoe laces as Aunt Freya looks over for comfirmation

"I guess I have been a little unfocused lately" I say trying to limbo around telling my Aunt Freya I'm pregnant

"I just feel really tired all the time, nowdays" I say realizing that was probably the dumbest thing I could have said

"Are you tired from lack of sleep"Aunt Freya says more concerned 

"I don't think so I'm just exhuasted,and when I'm exhuasted I'm moody" I say looking up

"Why didn't you mention this earlier" Aunt freya says confused

"I'm tired.....duh" I say rubbing my eyes

"Maybe it would be best if hope headed upstairs,so we could talk, hope" Cami suggests

"Yeah yeah I'm going" I say walking out the door.

I think about running away but all this talk about sleep has made me sleepy

I trudge up the stairs and collapse on my bed


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