You Got This Killer

321 14 4

Sun peaks through the curtains

"Shit"I whisper rubbing my sore eyes

Hope, you got this, you not going to destroy the school, or attack another student,or breakdown crying..............Hope you suck at pep talks

I hold onto the door knob trying to convince myself it's the right decision to keep going to school...

wait...why the fuck am I even still going to school its not like I have any life plans besides not murdering people

I just start to laugh hysterically

My door starts to open 

"Hope is this a bad time" Lizzie asks knocks while holding my door open

"Yeah Its all good I just realized I had nolife goals" I chuckle

"Lol same, I realized that a while ago"Lizzie laughs "Yah when we were little Josie wanted to be a doctor and I wanted to be a mermaid fairy Jedi princess, turns out that won't be happening"

"When I was little it never came up, and I guess I just realized I'm going to school for nothing"

"Huh thats sad" Lizzie says opening her redbull and sitting on my bed 

"Hey you can ask Hayley so that she doesn't have an afterlife crisis.... like you" She points

"Thank you for reminding me" I roll my eyes 

"Hey brightside you can pick up a hobby and become amazing at it because you will have been doing it for one hundred years,SHIT YOU COULD JOIN THE FUCKING OLYMPICS AND WIN ALL THE GOLD METALS"

"FUCK YEAH" I yell slaming my hand down on a table

"YEAH NOW LETS DO THIS SHIT" Lizzie jumps up

"Thank you for the pep talk trashbag"

"No problem ,idiot sauce" She pats my back

I can do this  I can do this I can do this

I grab my books and head to class

"Lizzie were is Josie" I completely blanked with missing hayley, I mean we talked a couple of times but we never talked about her defeating esther or me asorbing dark magic or killing that lady.......

"She didn't know what to do, she tried to talk to you last night but you weren't in your room but Mom came by to tell Josie that you need some space last night"Lizzie shrugs

"mhm great now everyone knows my business"I rub my eyes

"I could spread a rumour about your....sabbatical"

"I didn't know you knew big words" I fake gasp

"Shut up, this is the only way I know how to help"

"Fine, spread a rumour make it good and scary" I shrug

"Ooooo this is going to be good, what should I say, You got suspended for having an orgy in dad's office,You went on a Ripper spree, or you trashed Mystic Falls High and then you murder someone and then went crazy...oh wait that already happened" Lizzie laughs

"Screw you, but yeah sure" I roll my eyes

"Hey you got this" Lizzie grabs my shoulders 

"Thank you"

"You got this killer, I believe in you" Lizzie yells as I walk into my class

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