Hope POV
I go down to the office after finish my first two classes. I walk to Cami's office anxious about this ,but Freya said she would pick me up after so that's cool.
"Hi" I say knocking on the door shyly
"Hello Hope I was expecting you" She says opening up a box of manila folders and setting them all except for one in the bottom drawer of her desk.
"I already know a bit about you from Alaric, Caroline,Freya,and You." She says grabbing a pad of paper and a pen
"Then you must think I'm out of my mind or an asshole." I say somewhat sarcastically and done with this .
"On the contrary Hope, I think everything you did was a cry for help"
"And What do I need help with exactly" I say with a little attitude
"Your inability to connect with others, Your Anxiety, Depression, and trust issues should I go on"
"How do you know all of that" I say shaken
"First of all happy people don't hurt themselves, Freya mentioned your anxiety attacks and seizure, The only person you really talk to is Josie, and you were forced to see emma and apparently all you did was give her vague answers and death glared her. Hope we can just sit here if your going to be stubborn or if you want to try to improve then I need you to cooperate with me." Cami says bluntly
"I just want to be ok" I say with a lump in my throat and tears forming in my eyes.
"Ok well lets do something about it, Why do you not feel okay" Cami says now in a calm tone
"I don't know, I feel worried about Josie, school, and future events. I feel sad every time I think about the future because I remember I will be seventeen for the rest of my life. I won't be able to have kids or a family.And I makes me not want to be around anyone ...well except Josie"
"If I may ask why Josie"
"Well one thing I didn't tell you when I was giving you a brief on my life the first time I met you. Josie and I are dating only a couple of people know about us though"
"That explains a lot.... Also why don't you two date out in the open" Cami asks confused
"I'm not quite sure so much is happening" I say messing up my hair
"Did you know you messed up your hair three times, pulled at a string in your sweater twice, and fiddled with you ripped jeans five times in the past 5 minutes." She says showing me a stopwatch on her phone
"Why does that matter" I say
"Do you have trouble sleeping or eating" Cami says clicking her pen
"Do you mean with or without alcohol or pills" I say trying to make a joke and immediately regretting it
Cami give me a look like I I was going to jump out the window actually the way this conversation is going I would like to.
"I was a Joke" I say realizing she did not get it
"It didn't seem like a joke!"
"Well I mean its partially true, I guess" I say thinking back
"Well that answers that question "She says writing something down
"Do you have trouble getting out of bed sometimes" She asks more concerned
"I guess, but don't we all. I guess I do but Josie makes me happier and makes it easier for me to get up. "
"What do you mean" She as intrigued
"I just feel love when I'm around her. Someone who's always there."
She smiles at that response
" One last question, What triggers you anxiety"
"I don't know usual stuff like abandonment, white vans, being around people, online chatting, and future events" I say casually
"Do you feel nervous in social settings" She says looking at me like a puzzle
"I mean yes, I assume people know the worst about me and I usually try to lay low, Can I go now" I say hungry for McDonalds
She stares at me with tears in her eyes and says "Yes, wait show me your arms"
I annoyed pull up my sleeves and show her my healed arms and then run out the door to meet Freya
I was really bored tonight and I couldn't fall asleep so I'm writing. Thank you for the comments and votes!

Monster's Daughter (Legacies Fanfic)
FanfictionOver 200 updates!.Hope Mikaelson is a student struggling with her powers,life,and love. Josie who would and has followed hope to the ends of the earth. A hosie fanfic where Hope basically just struggles minus all the cringy monsters ENJOY!!! (Highes...