Hope Pov
All I could think about was what I took from not just the woman but everyone who cared for her. I tried blaming esther but my choices forced her hand.
I climb out of Rebekah and Josie's arms and off my bed
"where are you going" Josie asks in a concerned tone as rebekah starts to wake up
"I'm just going to take a shower" I walk to the bathroom and turn the shower on
I slide off my clothes blood crumbling off of them
Steam blinds me as I climb in the shower
Blood runs off my body in streams
I sink to the ground crying
A dark cool fresh blood drops on my nose
Then another
I look up at the ceiling
The womans head dangles from the ceiling
I scramble out of the shower trying not to trip and fall
Letters appear on the mirror
Tears drip down my face as esthers ghost flashes behind me
She wooshes around me as I grip my towel tighter
Blood drips down the top of the mirror and from the lining of the room
I turn on the sink and throw water on face it turns into blood as soon as i hits my face
I stand in the center of the room trying to find esther
I cry overwhelmed with esthers mind games
"It's not real, its not real" I weep and mumble putting on clean clothes so I can run out as quickly as possible
The womans body drops in front of me
I fall backwards into a cabinet
"Hope, are you ok" Rebekah knocks
I scramble away from the cabinet blood dripping from it
"Hope" Rebekah knocks
I try to open the door the lights flicker on and off esther lunges for me as I tear open the door
"Hope whats wrong" I move away from the bathroom as fast as possible
"Hope" Rebekah helps me up as I'm still focused waiting for esther to pounce next
"Yeah" I answer out of breath "I'm fine, I just want to lay down" I whimper running back to my room
"Hope" Rebekah yells after me
I run into Josie's arms curling up and crying
It feels so selfish to cry , I should not be allowed such a privilage after what I did
I hear hushed voices down the hall
I try to pretend I don't hear there worried tones
"It wasn't your fault" She rocks me back and forth
"It was" I cry
"No it wasn't, it was an accident" She holds me closer
"Hope" freya knocks on the doorframe
"Josie can we have a moment" Freya asks in a soft voice
"Sure," She kisses my forehead then gets up
Freya sits at the end of my bed "I'm not going to pry on the details seeing you are devastated, but I am here to talk or just to sit, I'm sorry if I have been hard on you" She looks down at the floor
"Its not fair what you've gone through,any of it. And you are like a daughter to me and it breaks my heart to watch you struggle alone. I don't know why you killed that woman but if you let me in I could help you whether it was wolf rage or you wanted fresh blood and tried to feed. I'm here Hope, I'm not going anywhere" She looks up tears in her eyes
Tears fall down my face at her genuine want to help
I climb into her arms "I-I-it was e-esther" I sniffle holding her arm
"She was this blue light and I followed i-it an-d she-she kept telling me about how I-I-I was making the w-wrong decision, and I-I-i reached to get rid of her ghost grabbing it by the neck and ripping her head o-off," I clear my throat trying to find the strength continue the story
"It w-wasn't e-esther" I look at her then bury my face in the shoulder
She rubs my back letting me cry in her arms
I look up sobbing "I s-should not h-have l-left i-it was to d-dangerous y-you w-were right I s-should h-have l-listened to..to you"
"You were just being a teenager, I would go stir crazy if I spent as much time inside as you had" She wipes my tears "Also Josie made sure to mention this was kols fault" she smiles
I giggle thinking of how out of it he was yesterday "He really was out of it" I grin
"He really was, when I came back he had a giant whiteboard out with the word scent writen on it and he was yelling about how it was still a word if he took out the c or the s, and then was ranting about what if it was neither while reading everything he could on the english language" Freya grins knowing that we gave him the idea
Thank you for the comments and votes they mean a lot, I hope the storyline is good (if not I could make some changes)

Monster's Daughter (Legacies Fanfic)
FanfictionOver 200 updates!.Hope Mikaelson is a student struggling with her powers,life,and love. Josie who would and has followed hope to the ends of the earth. A hosie fanfic where Hope basically just struggles minus all the cringy monsters ENJOY!!! (Highes...