Third Person
"Take her to the nurses office" Alaric says as Rebekah lifts up hopes limp body and speeds her to the nurses office setting her on a cot
"She was whimpering and shaking and I tried to calm her then I tried to wake her up , things just started falling of the shelves. Blood started dripping out of her nose more stuff started breaking, Then she woke up and just started screaming" Freya says tearing up as her wife walks over to comfort her
after about an hour hope wakes up
Hope POV
"Hope" Freya says as my eyes snap awake.
I sit up slowly grabbing my pounding head
"Yeah"I say sitting up slowly
"Why what happened , where am I" I say realizing I'm now in the nurses office
"You don't R-Remember" Freya says
"Remember what, I'm really confused right now" I reply groggily
"Hope you..."She is interrupted by Cami dragging everyone else into the hall
I focus and try to listen in
"........... How does she not Remember what happened?" Freya says confused
"My theory is her brain is suppressing the trauma which would make sense after all that has happened in such a small amount of time." Cami theorized
"Will she ever remember" Rebekah asks
"It is quite certain she will, It could come in memory flashes, dreams, and such. It could however take a long time, she is still remembering thing from back when she was little. This could overload her so I would recommend we clean her room while she goes to visit a doctor" Cami reports
"Ok" Freya says astonished I remember nothing
They walk back inside the room while I pretend like I wasn't listening
Freya checks her watch and says " We should hop in the car or we will be late for your doctors appointment"
I groan and walk out with Freya and Rebekah

Monster's Daughter (Legacies Fanfic)
FanficOver 200 updates!.Hope Mikaelson is a student struggling with her powers,life,and love. Josie who would and has followed hope to the ends of the earth. A hosie fanfic where Hope basically just struggles minus all the cringy monsters ENJOY!!! (Highes...