Finally Together Again

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I am consumed with a bone chilling frost, it gnaws at my fingers,and tears at the rest of my skin. The cold wind burns my eyes making them leak. I wipe my eyes but the water burns my arms.  I try to blow into hands trying to get any kind of warmth, but instead its makes me colder.  The cold wind sucks the air from my lungs. I stumble clenching my chest sinking to the ground struggling to breathe. I start to whine and cry, fighting for air. I claw at my skin terrified of a cold that could only be described as death. I whimper and wheeze trying to fight it but feeling too weak to do so. My joints froze and tightened and all I can do is cry and lay on the ground.




I wake up with tears staining my face, and scratches and teeth marks cover my arms, neck, and chest.

I stumble out of bed tripping over my own feet.

I run out of my bedroom and then down the hall to Lizzie and Josie's Room.

I throw open their door and run over to Josie's bed

"Hope" Lizzie groans

"Hope what's the matter" Josie rubs her eyes.

I start crying.

She rubs her eyes and she sits up and holds me.

"Hope what's wrong" She strokes my hair letting me sob in her shoulder.

Lizzie reaches and turns on the lamp illuminating my scratches, teeth marks, and tears

"Hope, Oh my god what happened" She holds me tighter "Do you need me to get someone"

"No" I whimper

"Hope" She rubs my back

"I just want to be with you" I wrap my arms around her

She lays down with me still holding me tight "Do you want to turn off the light" She whispers 

"Please don't" I look up at her 

"Ok" She kisses my forehead

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