Hope POV
Days turn into weeks and habits turn to routines.
I think to myself whenever I go out to feed. I know it should get easier. That one day I won't be as sensitive and I'll be able to just feed and move on. I try not to be picky on who I feed from or show it.
But I do care, some people do not deserve this. I know its not like I'm seriously injuring people ,but innocent people shouldn't have to feel any pain.
Its funny, I was more upset when I was to feed on animals then humans. Food doesn't taste the same. I'm an emotionally mess most times at least Josie is here for me.
Alaric wants me to talk to Emma about my elevated emotions so I can better control them. I'm still trying to process that I will never grow old and have a family. The thought of that weighs me down.
A boom comes from the door. A women with dirty blonde hair and greenish- blue eyes in a dirty white blouse and jeans. "W-Where am I" She says looking around.
Alaric and Caroline were out hunting the vampires who attacked me. Something draws me to walk closer like a gut feeling. I walk towards her and ask "You're at the Salvatore School, are you ok?"
She grabs my hands and says " I don't know" She says panicking.
"Whats your name" I ask walking her over to a chair.
I feel like I recognize her from somewhere but where.
"Camille O'Connell" My eyes widen.
Why is that is name familiar
"Who are you" Cami asks
I study her face, posture, and shape. I pull out my phone scrolling through old family photos that are hard to look through without crying.
Then I freeze spotting her in a photo. I turn my phone to her
"Is this you" I say tearing up.
"Yes, why?" She says looking concerned.
"Because you died years ago after being bit by Lucien" I say putting my head down knowing that she could die whenever.
"How do you know all of this, and most importantly how did get that picture" She says less phased by the fact she is dead.
" B-B-because I'm Hope Mikaelson" I say looking down.
"Hope is a baby! You are a teenager" She says tearing up.
"You've been gone a while" I croak glancing up at her and showing her a picture of me with my parents.
"Hope" She looks at me for a moment then hugs me.
After hugging for a minute she says " I can't your dad let you go to a boarding school" She says looking around.
The statement causes me to burst out crying. "Hope what's wrong" she says holding my arms looking at me.
I wipe my eyes trying not to cry anymore. "He passed away" I say looking at her.
"What about your Hayley?" She says looking at me as tears escape her eyes.
"She's gone too" I say looking down trying to conceal my face. Cami holding me crying tears for the fallen Mikaelsons.
Sorry for not writing more yesterday the internet sucks in the mountains. Thank you for the votes. I wanted to bring Cami back for a while. She was one of my favorite characters and I was so upset when she died in the show.

Monster's Daughter (Legacies Fanfic)
FanficOver 200 updates!.Hope Mikaelson is a student struggling with her powers,life,and love. Josie who would and has followed hope to the ends of the earth. A hosie fanfic where Hope basically just struggles minus all the cringy monsters ENJOY!!! (Highes...