"Get in the car lovebirds we're getting dinner" Lizzie teases hopping in the backseat. "Who are you riding with Kol or Rebekah?"
"Where are we going" I ask looking over at Josie.
"To dinner stupid" Lizzie laughs hopping in Kol's car with Keelin.
I sigh
"Josie you are riding with me" Lizzie shouts.
I walk over to the car but it is already filled up by Marcel,Keelin, Davina, and Kol.
"I can trade with you if you want to go with Josie" Keelin offers.
"No, its cool, i'll drive over with Hayley."I pile into the minivan.
"Hello" I smile at little hayley. She coos and giggles.
"Where are we going" I ask.
"Kol said he found a cute local diner" Rebekah shrugs.
"Cool" I lay down in the backseats.
"Hope you know how much I hate you riding without a seat belt"Freya sighs.
"I'm imortal" I sit up and complain. "And it's not like Aunt Rebekah hasn't been driving, because if I recall the first motorcar was patented in 1886"
"Is she right." Freya looks over at Rebekah.
"I remember driving one but I don't remember the exact date?!" Rebekah focuses on the road.
Aunt Freya's phone pings "Oh, they might be a couple minutes late, Lizzie was only wearing one shoe" She sighs then laughs and the rest of us laugh.
I drift back and forth in to consiousness.The light disorients me and Nik's scream pierce my ears. Then I am blinded by a shooting pain in my head.
"Nik, it's ok calm down,I'm here" Rebekah try's to calm Nik down.
It finally hits me that we were in a wreck.
I peel myself off of the roof of the flipped car.Jagged glass and metal are stuck in my legs. There is blood everywhere.
"Hope, Hope HOPE" Rebekah shouts
"Yeah" I whimper
"Are you ok?" Rebekah asks calmly.
"I don't know it really hurts" I cry.
"Do you think you can move" She asks in the same odd calm tone.
"No,I don't think so" I snifle.
"Ok, don't worry lamb" Rebekah releases a couple of tears.
"I can try" I whimper trying to be of some use "the back left window is shatter and I think I can climb through it" I try to pull myself up.
"Hope be careful, darling" Rebekah warns.
I scream and grunt in pain trying to move with the metal and glass stuck in my body.
I take a peek at Auntie Rebekah in the cracked mirror her eyes are shut and tears are running off of her face.
I try to to stand up entirely but I am stopped by a beam puncturing my leg.
"Do you have a knife per chance" I ask trying to muscle through the pain,
"No" Aunt Rebekah crys a little more audibly
I look around trying to think of what to do, I look at the contents of the car repair kit that was litter on the roof of the flipped car.I spot a pair of pliers and stretch and grunt trying to reach them.

Monster's Daughter (Legacies Fanfic)
FanfictionOver 200 updates!.Hope Mikaelson is a student struggling with her powers,life,and love. Josie who would and has followed hope to the ends of the earth. A hosie fanfic where Hope basically just struggles minus all the cringy monsters ENJOY!!! (Highes...