The Take Back

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Hope POV


"Well I guess I'll buy drugs, MG and Kaleb pretend like you're going to feed on someone, and Cleo and lizzie try to get into a club then walk out the back"

"Sounds good" Lizzie nods then I think back to landon and how I would be responcible if they got hurt.

"Actually, Cleo and Lizzie swap with me" I say before we all spilt up

"Why" Lizzie asks 

"BECAUSE I FUCKING SAID SO" I say defensively 

"Whatever hope" Lizzie says rolling her eyes

"Okay we will meet behind the mystic grill in an hour" MG says trying to defuse the situation

"If you need backup just call" MG says looking at me now 

"Why the hell are you looking at me I can take care of myself" I pout walking to the car to drive to the club.

I park my car and I stay inside for a moment "I don't want to do this" I say putting my head on the steering wheel

"We are doing this for Josie" I say trying to ground my self from a budding panic attack

I open the car door and slowly walk to the entrance when the clock hits 9

I fix my hair and then fix my makeup

I walk up to the bouncer 

He lets me in, winking at me as I walk past

I walk in and there is just so much noise

I feel a tap on my back 

I turn around to see landon 

But Landon can't be here he's in jail but h-he's too real 

I back up until I hit a wall

I am picked up and dragged by him I feel frozen and powerless.

I am dragged out the side door

"GET AWAY FROM HER" I hear as mace coats my and his eyes

"Shit" I curse my eyes stinging

"Hey are you ok" The voice sounds familier but I can't quiet trace it

"Elena? What are you doing here?" I say confused,anxious, and scared

"I could ask you the same" She says in a way calmer voice then I was expecting

"I was looping through I thought someone was following me" I say parnoid

"Ok,.....I'm going to drive you to my house and then I will call Caroline and Alaric to come get you"  She says helping me out of the alley way

"Who was that man" I asked wondering if I really saw landon

"I'm not sure,hope" She says in the same calm voice

"I mean what did he look like" I say trying not to sound crazy

"He had greasy blond hair, hazel eyes ,and muscular jaw line" She says trying to give me the answer I wanted

I puzzle at her description

"Are you ok, did someone slip you something" She says as we both take a seat in her car.

"Not to my knowledge I was only in there for a moment" I say trying to avoid obvious conversation and worry

We drive to her house in silence 

I doze off then wake up to her pulling into her garage

She takes my clammy and trembling hands and helps me out of the car

Finally looking at me in the light she can tell how truely exhausted I am

"I didn't think you would be back this...." Damon stops mid-sentence

She helps me over to the couch and hands me a cup of water. 

She grabs damons sleeve and takes him into the laundry room to talk

I can't hear anything(well except for small bits and pieces) they're saying because both the washer and dryer were on.

I feel my phone pinging like crazy in my pocket all of a sudden


I type to the group (except for josie) ' I'm at Damon and Elena's house, I'm okay'

'Why the fuck are you at delenas house' Lizzie texts

'Who is delena' Mg texts

'Damon and elena keep up'

Questions flood the chat

I type 'All you need to know is I'm okay, and I won't be able to make it '

I put down my phone somewhat relieved

Elena and Damon came out of the laundry after a few minutes

Damon walks and sits at the island while elena stands across from him calling Caroline and Alaric

So many things run through my head but the main ones are 'Why did I think he was landon'   'I am fucked' 'What am I going to say'


I thought I published this last night sorry for making you wait😭🤦‍♀️

Thank you for the comments and votes!!

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