Magic Money Woman

216 11 3

I climb on top of Josie kissing her passionately and tugging off her clothes as she slides off mine. A throbbing heat burned in my core making me want her more and more.

Then I hear a pounding on the door but I just ignore it unbuttoning Josie's lipstick stained shirt and skillfully slide my hands down pulling down her skirt. 

The door quickly slams open, and I quickly cover Josie and I in blankets

"PAUSE THE SCISSORING" Lizzie yells covering her eyes shuting the door

"Seriously" I glare from under the covers

"Oh, get yourself off in the shower" Lizzie rolls her eyes taking a seat on ottoman

"What are you even doing here I thought you two had a deal" Josie yells from under the covers

"Yeah but Dad got suspcious when I broke in to your room." She rolls her eyes throwing my clothes on the bed.

I pick up Josie's throw blanket and wrap my self up in it.

"Walk of shame hope" Lizzie squints and crosses her arms.

"Stop I will literally drop my blanket and finish what I was doing, this is mine and josie's room and I will not walk of shame" I glare 

"OH MY GOD JUST GO CHANGE JEEZ" Lizzie sinks to the floor dramaticly

I roll my eyes and change back into my clothes using my vamp speed.

"See was that really so difficult" Lizzie sighs 

I grunt in annoyance

"I'm just here to grab somethings also when are we seeing little hayley" She looks over from packing a bag of her things.

I look at Josie

"I didn't tell" Josie shrugs

"C'mon she is my niece" Lizzie begs

I cock an eyebrow

" I have unofficially adopted her like I did to Nik" Lizzie zips the bag.

"You can be her godmother" I shrug still confused.

"Ew I think not, the godmother is a wrinkled old hag, but the godfather is a cool money man." She explains

"I'm not sure thats-" I start

"I am magic money woman it is decided,and If your so annoyed by my title put a ring on it already mikaelson" Lizzie exits the room

"Lizzie the magically money woman" Josie chuckles.

I grin "I guess she can sit in the backseat, Hayley should meet her cool money man"

Josie smiles and chuckles "You realize she will quote the godfather the entire car ride."

"I'm going to cry" I look up at the ceiling realizing the whole car ride will be Lizzie making movie references.



Anyways thank y'all for the votes and comments

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