Anxiety and Morning Sickness Don't Mix

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Hope POV


5am in the morning I vomit my guts out while Josie holds up my hair.

"This is the worst..." I say in between vomitting and crying

"I know" She says clipping up my hair and starts rubbing my back

When I finally finish I collapse dizzily in Josie's arms 

She comforts me till the sun rises.

"Have you made a decision about where we are going" She says letting me put my head on her lap and my body on the ground

"I don't think I can survive a three hour long car ride and worrying about people discovering the baby" I says sitting up slowly

"We should probably get going then" Josie says helping me up

We walk slowly out to the car trying not to arise any suspision

I sit in the passenger seat and pull my legs up to my chest

We drive to the Elena's medical practice in town we park the car 

I look sick enough so if anyone does see me they'll think I have the flu or am having a hard time keeping vampire blood down.

"Hey, Josie what seems to be the..." Elena says finally looking up at me with my hair clipped back and I probably look like I haven't slept in days.

Elena opens the door to a checkup room I rub my eyes and slowly walk into the room

"Hope can you take a seat" She say pulling me up a chair

I sit down slowly trying to get comfortable when I feel like shit

"Hope can you tell me whats wrong" She says somewhat urgently

"Its not exactly whats wrong" I say tucking my knees to my chest

"What she means is can we trust you" Josie says anxiously

Elena is clearly confused by Josie's question

"What she means is I'm pregnant and we need an ultrasound, so I can go back to the school and lay down even though I probably won't be able to since I always have something going on"

Elena and Josie both stand there shocked by my bluntness 

"Wait if you're wanting an ultra sound you least six weeks pregnant" Elena stands in shock

"Yes, can you please hurry I'm tired,hungry,and nauseous." I say exhausted

She helps me onto the cot ignoring her own shock

"Usually I would ask a bunch of question and screen you for abnormalities, but due to being supernatural I don't think it would work" She says in a calmly in a bedside manor

She prepares the probe and is still trying to process

"Josie would you like to wait outside" Elena asks calmly

I nod at Josie because she is confused about what to do.

She walks out of the room and leaves me and Elena

"Who else knows beside, Josie" She asks in a somewhat concerned voice

"I don't want to get my friends in trouble so I'll just say you are the only person over eighteen that knows about this" I say chuckling

"Didn't you get a pregnancy test after....." Elena starts and stops trying not to trigger me

"Yes I did in fact I went to the hospital to get tested, I compelled her naturally seeing as I would have been pulled out of school and It would have put the baby in danger and I wouldn't be able to complete most of the school year. Also I would have been coddled and watched by my family every second like an ant under a microscope" I say in calm voice focusing on not vomitting all over the floor while she positions the probe.

She finds a good view of the baby and turns the screen to show me

Its a small olive sized fetus the first thing I blurt out is "Thank god there is only one" which makes elena laugh

Confused she says "Thats weird the heart beat isn't being picked up"

"I had Josie and Lizzie cloak the noise of the heartbeat,sometimes Josie uncloaks it so I can hear it while falling asleep" I say looking at the frozen screen

She looks confused 

"Josie and I sleep in the same room" I say trying  to clear up her confusion

which makes her more confused "Are Josie and Lizzie fighting?" 

"No No No they've never been better, Josie and I are dating and she's been slowly moving in." I say smiling at the last part

"I guess I should call Josie in then" She say smiling and getting Josie from the hallway

She walks in practicly running trying to look at the screen then kissing me in the forehead.

"I can't wait" She whispers in my ear before helping me up 

"I would recomend telling Caroline, Hope" Elena says before we walk out

"I'll consider it" I say in a somewhat serious voice

"Why did Elena let me in, does she know about us" Josie says wanting an explaination

"Yep, I told her you were Daddy" I say grinning at her

"Shut up" She says throwing her stuffed bunny at me and the voice box blares


I giggle and lean back my seat so I can lay down

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