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Third POV(a couple hours later)


Hope sighs laying on a large piece of patio furniture staring up at the ceiling

"You're just going to just sit there all day" Kol says squirming around in his chair like a restless toddler

"Josie left" Hope says defeated

"Come on lets have some fun" He says pulling on hope's sweatshirt

"Kol leave Hope alone" Rebekah says bringing hope her lunch

Hope sits up slowly after Rebekah sets down the lunch tray

"Now I get why Lizzie calls you Mope Mikaelson"Kol pouts

"KOL OUT" Rebekah yells at Kol 

Rebekah sits down next to hope and she lays on her lap

"Why did Josie have to leave" Hope.....well mopes

"She had school hope, but don't worry the weekend will be here soon enough" Rebekah says trying to comfort her

A shiver runs down hope's spine

"Are you cold" Rebekah says stroking Hope's hair

"Just a little" She says looking up at Rebekah

Rebekah pulls the blanket off of the back of where they were sitting and draped it over hope

"Is that better" Rebekah say was more of a pitiful smile

The Mikaelson Manor had become hope's neverending pity party

Everyone had loads of questions but dared not to ask and Hope knew it from there secret looks and whispers

"Can I be alone right now" Hope asks trying not to alarm or hurt her aunt

Unfortunately she did both

"Ok but if you need me i'll be in the kitchen or just call" Rebekah says nervously

Hope contorts under the blanket trying to find a comfortable position

Once she slowly blinked off exhausted from all that had happended in the past week





"Hope, Hope, Sweetie wake up, please wake up" Rebekah said in a worried tone with Kol at her side already

Hope slowly blinked awake

"Whats wrong" Freya said rushing to hope's  side

Freya's face drained of all of its color

"May I have another blanket please" Hope says propping her arms under her back

"Hope you-u" Freya says trying to produce words

"Hope you look like a melted marshmellow..No she looks like a crayon I left in the sun" he says proudly cutting freya off

"Thanks Kol"Hope glares

"Hope you are burning up" Freya say lifting the blanket off of hope

"I'm cold" Hope whines and shivers

"Is it magic cold or just regular cold"Freya asks concerned

"It's been like eight years how would I know,Its like damp basement cold" Hope says rubbing her eyes

"What the heck is Damp Basement Cold ?!"Freya says trying to help hope

As soon as Freya finishes talking Hope hears this loud high pitch noise that just stays the same pitch her vision starts to fade

"I CAN'T SEE OR HEAR YOU" She says reaching for anyones hand

"Is she being sarcastic" Kol asks confused

"Only one way to find out....... HOPE, JOSIE'S HERE" Rebekah yells

"No no she knows Josie isn't here,Say nothing if I'm aloud to go through your phone"Kol says grabbing hopes phone from beside her

"KOL PUT MY PHONE DOWN RIGHT NOW" Hope says grabbing kol's arm

"Ha how did you know it was me" Kol says grinning

"Because you're the only one who would go through her phone when she can't see or hear"

Hope's teeth start chattering and her head sinks back into the cushion

She starts to whimper and cry the cold,dark,and silence was overwhelming and consuming.

"Hope" Freya say holding her trying to calm her down

"Its just like there....I don't want to go back" Hope cries teeth chattering thinking about malivore

"Back where" Kol asks confused

Hopes head drops her body limp

"Hope" Her Aunt says trying to wake her back up

"HOPE" She says more urgently

"Rebekah get my spellbooks, Kol and Marcel get ice,Keelin can you please grab hope a cot from the attic, and Davina we need to figure out whats wrong" Freya orders

"Why did she get a please" Kol pouts running off

"Hurry up Kol" Freya yells setting hope down


Sorry Its weird I usually update on schedule but I'm have been so busy with another one of my books(irl papercopy)Anyways thank you for the votes and comments!

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