Hope POV
"Hope I have been worried about you lately" She says pulling a piece of hair behind my ear revealing my tear stained face.
"I'm sorry for worrying you"I say quickly look down trying not to look Caroline in the eye.
"Don't be sorry I just need to know that you are okay" She says in a concerned mom voice still staring at me
I don't move or answer
"Hope, I am always going to be here,and I care and want to help you through anything you are going through" She says eyes filling with tears
Tears slide down my face
She reminded me so much of my mom at times and It just made me miss her an almost unbearable amount.
"I can't" I say almost sobbing
"What do you mean" she says sitting down on the couch in the now empty common room
I take seat next to her sitting as far away as I could
"There is so much crap I have to deal with and I just have to pretend like its not happening or doesn't matter"
Great Job Hope!! you are probably getting sent to a mental hospital with that response
"Why do you ignore it" She asks trying to understand my thought process
"It's just to much too deal with and....Just thinking about it scares me" I say fiddling with the laces on my hoodie
"How does it scare you" She ask patiently
"It fills me with dread,anxiety, and fear, Its like I can't breathe or think and the only way I can calm down is if I lie on the floor....L-L-Like a baby" I blurt
"You have been through so much In such a short amount of time, you are so strong and If you ever feel like you just need to lay down on the floor I'll excuse you from class to do so" She says in a thoughtful tone
"The thing I was talking about earlier, I need you help but...... I can't tell you unless you promise not to tell anyone at least not yet" I say figeting with hoodie not believing what I just said
"I can't promise that hope" She says now meeting my eyes
"Please, It's only for a short while, and I-I-I" I say crying and stuttering
"I just don't know what to do" I say in a softer tone wiping my eyes
She hesitates for a couple of moments" I promise"
I look up at her then back down at my shoes and whisper "I'm pregnant"
Silence cloaks the room for minutes "Y-Y-you're what?"
"I'm pregnant" I say tears dripping into my lap
"How long have you known" She asks shooken by my secret
"Since my aunts took me to get a check-up" I say trying to hide my face
"So they and who else know" She says confused why they would leave me alone in mystic falls
"They actually don't know it's only Josie,Lizzie,Cleo,Mg, Kaleb,and E-Elena" I say hanging my head
She sits there in silence stunned by my answer
"I don't know what I'm doing I'm a full tribrid now and you are the only one who knows anything about magical Vampire pregnancies... should I switch to animal blood, Should I try to consume less of it, Should I stop doing magic..........."
Caroline grabs and hold both of my hands "You must have been so scared" She says tears leaking from her eyes
"You're just a kid you shouldn't have to deal with all of this alone" She says empatheticly
"I wasn't alone I had Josie since day one, besides she worries just as much as I do maybe even more" I say trying to help but it ends up backfiring
"When do yo plan on telling your family" She says wiping away her tears
"In a month or two, or when my baby bump is too big" I say pealing at the skin around my fingers
"I can live with that,I'll make sure you get the help and resources you need until then" She says nodding "I'm going to to go talk to Josie ,do you want me to walk you upstairs"
Thank you for the votes and comments!!

Monster's Daughter (Legacies Fanfic)
FanfictionOver 200 updates!.Hope Mikaelson is a student struggling with her powers,life,and love. Josie who would and has followed hope to the ends of the earth. A hosie fanfic where Hope basically just struggles minus all the cringy monsters ENJOY!!! (Highes...