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Josie POV


We awake to sounds of parades

I look at my watch 

"Did we really fall asleep before seven." I chuckle

"What day is it JO" Hope says rubbing her eyes

"Its Krewe Boheme, Josie change into something were going out" she continues

I rush upstairs to hopes room change

I come down in a black skirt and a tank top with suspenders (Her hair pinned up of course)

She is wearing a navy and white suit with a white blouse and her hair parted to a side ( Like hopes hair at Freya's wedding)

I look in awe at hope's beauty 

I realize I'm blushing an nd try to hide my face but hope lifts in up and kisses me

"You look beautiful Jo" She says as she pulls away from  our kiss slowly.

We walk outside hand in hand to enjoy the parade.




There are so many cool costumes and interesting people. Just being here with so much going on is just exhilarating. Its feels so liberating. Like I'm just who I was meant to be. Every-one is who they are celebrating 

"There are The Merry Antoinette's" Hope points to a group of women in  large powder wig and dresses

After that we get so drUnK oN VoDkA ShOts

AnD ThEN H OPEY HasD to caRRY Me TO HeR HoMe.

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