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Hope POV


We all get back from eating at sonic in a little less than an hour like Caroline predicted.

Caroline points Lizzie and Josie upstairs after the late dinner

Caroline and I sat down on the bench outside the office

I shake my hands a little trying to calm down

The door opens a couple of moments later

Cami says "You both can come in now"

We walk in and everyone is staring at me with their tear stained faces

"Hi guys" I say waving like a flipping idiot

I take a seat in the one empty chair

Freya clears her throat "Hope... First off we think we should take you to a doctor, Then we have to identify and report him, Then we figured you could spend a couple of weeks with us"

I nod finally looking up at my family 

Freya slowly approaches me this time

 she looks for my consent

I respond by hug her tight dropping my head on her shoulder

Other family members slowly pile on

"I'm tired can I go " I say after we all stop hugging

I start to walk out then I realize I'll be alone because Cleo is staying in a guest room.

"Auntie Freya can you come with me" I say turning around

"Yeah,sure" She says not expecting my question

I reach for her hand and we walk up to my room

I open the door to my somewhat messy bed 

I'm so tired I plop on my bed and freya walks around to the left side of the bed and lays down next to me.

I fall asleep quickly exhausted from not being able to sleep much last night

I toss and turn throughout the night. 

I wake up multiple times shaking

Freya talks to me until I fall back asleep each time.


3rd person Kitchen at the school at 8am


Rebekah is pouring herself a huge cup of coffee after staying up all night worrying about hope

Kol is angerly making toast,fantasizing about murdering landon

Freya trudges down to the kitchen and walks over to Rebekah holding the coffee pot

"I need coffee" Freya said half asleep

Rebekah fills her cup and gives Freya the coffee pot

Freya grabs a coffee mug from the shelve fills up the cup and just decides to take the whole coffee pot

"I can't wait to grind that boy to dust, maybe even torture him" Kol snarls

"Kol we promised Alaric no trouble" Davina says rubbing her eyes

"What! no one will even miss that son of a bitch anyway" He continues to snarl showing how little sleep he really got

"As much as I would like to drain all the blood from his body,we did promise we wouldn't cause trouble" Rebekah says trying not to think about murdering Landon

" You know Klaus and Hayley would have murdered him" Kol says angerily

"Can we not talk about this right now, hope is dealing with enough right now" Freya says finishing off the coffee pot 

"Ok, fine but If I were to murder him I throw him in the river attached to cinderblocks, Just watching him struggle" He said chuckling a little at the last part

"No one told me we were murdering people" Keelin says covering niks ears

"We are not murdering people, we promised them we wouldn't murder anybody!" Freya says flustered

"Hey, babe did you get any sleep" Keelin says looking at the bags under Freya's eyes

"I didn't get much,but hope didn't get much either" She says rubbing her eyes

Keelin kisses Freya on the cheek and hugs her fron behind Freya starts to cry softly

"I can't believe this happened to her, she has been through so much, from her parents death to the hollow" 

"I know" Keelin say trying to comfort a extremely tired freya

After a couple minutes she is able to stop crying 

"I'm going to go back upstairs hope is going to be worried if I'm not there" Freya says before heading up the stairs.

Freya rushes upstairs opening the door to find hope whimpering curled up on her bed

"Hope" Freya says running to hope's side

"I'm here hope, your safe" Freya says holding hope securely

Items fall off shelves"Hope I have you, no one can hurt you"

Blood starts coming from her nose

tables start turning over and light bulbs start breaking

Hope's eyes glow gold as she lets out a scream tearing plaster of the wall and cracking it 

"HOPE I GOT YOU, YOU'RE SAFE" Freya trys to yell above hope's screams 

The rest of the mikaelsons hear the yelling and run up the stairs

fire engulfs the floor keeping all them back

Hope suddenly collapses in freyas arms

The Mikaelson stand awestruck at hopes power.

Soon a crowd forms behind them looking

Caroline and Alaric shoo everyone away in a matter of minutes though


Thank you for the votes and comments I was supposed to publish this chapter last night but then I realized I had to wake up way earlier than I usually do. Also I didn't want to publish a small amount,sorry for the wait!!

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