33.3) Four Album Release Party: Louis

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You and your best friend were sitting at the salon, waiting to get your hair and nails done. Tonight was the biggest night of the year for One Direction: the Four album release party! Your boyfriend, Louis, was super excited to ask you, and of course, you said yes. Y/BF/N had been asked by Niall, her "almost boyfriend".

"I'm so excited!" Your best friend squealed, stomping her feet like a 5 year old.

You laughed. "Me too! I'm so proud of those guys. They've worked so hard these last few months, and they deserve a night off." Your best friend nodded in agreement, and returned to the magazine on her lap. It was one of the magazines salons always had out for patrons to look at, and to see what hairstyle they would want.

"Dancing the night away with the friends they care about most. Talk about an amazing party." Y/BF/N commented. "A party, might I add, we have to look fabulous for! How is your hair going to be done?" You unlocked your phone and logged onto Pintrest, your favorite website.

"I dunno. I'll search online for the both of us, and you search in the magazine." For the next 10 minutes, the 2 of you debated over what hair and nail styles you both wanted. Your dress is gold and white (A/N: or is it blue and black? ;) lol I saw white and gold) flowy dress while your friend's was a lacy, flowy black dress. You decided your hair would be a curly updo, pinned to the back of your head rather than the top. Y/BF/N was going classic with normal curls.

~An Hour Later~

The 2 of you walked out of the salon with a a spring in your steps. You had gotten your nails done in a light pink base and gold sparkle on the nail. Your friend's were simple French Tips with a sort of tye dye look to them. Once you were back home, you started playing every One Direction song you had on your phone.

Applying your normal face makeup, your turned to your friend, who was typing away on her phone. "Hey. How are you doing your eyes for tonight?"

She looked up. "I dunno. I'm searching the Internet for ideas. I found something for you." She walked over to where you were sitting and showed you what was on the screen. She had typed Y/E/C makeup into the search bar, and dozens upon dozens of pictures came up. You settled on a simple light gold shimmery eyeshadow with light eyeliner and mascara.

"How about this? It'll work for both of us, and it looks pretty easy!" She nodded in agreement, and grabbed another stool.

"Your in charge, Y/N! My luck I'll poke an eye out!." You laughed and nodded in agreement.

~45 Minutes Later~

Your dates arrived at your house around 6:45. You were putting the finishing touches on your outfit. You sprtized some That Moment onto your wrist and around your neck. After adding a simple silver carm bracelet to your wrist and a white Forget Me Not ring onto your finger, you stepped back and looked into your full length mirror.

Your best friend whistled. "Hot damn!" You laughed.

"Ditto to you, Y/BF/N! Niall is gonna love you tonight!" She laughed, and blushed.

"I hope so." She grabbed her clutch. "Come on, let's go." You grabbed your gold clutch, turned off your bedroom light and walked downstairs, going after your friend.

"Wow, Y/BF/N. You look...wow." Niall commented, standing up once he heard the clacks of her heels. You followed her.

"Shit. You clean up good, baby." Louis commented, going to the base of the stairs to greet you.

You blushed. "You don't look bad yourself, Tommo." He grinned, and wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Let's go, beauties! We've got a party to go too!" Your best friend hollered. The 4 of your cheered and made your way outside to the approaching limo.

~10 Minutes Later~

"Oh my God, the red carpet." Your best friend said in a hushed tone.

You laughed and turned to her. Her eyes were fixed on the carpet, eyeing all of the stars who were currently walking it.

"You'll be ok, Y/BF/N. It's just a carpet." Niall said, kissing her cheek. You grinned and leaned back onto your boyfriend.

"Ready, Y/N?" Louis asked.

You grinned. "Oh yes!" The 4 of you stepped out, instantly greeted with cheers.

"NIALL!" "LOUIS!" The cheers got louder once the remaining members of One Direction stepped out of the 2nd limo that had pulled up behind yours.

You and Louis quickly made your way across the carpet, only pausing to pose with each other, the other boys, and to answer some quick questions from the reporters. Once inside, you breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Louis. "That was fun."

He laughed. "It always is baby. Let's go find our table, we're the first ones here." The One Direction members, and their dates were all seated together at a giant table. You and Louis found your assigned seats and sat down.

"I feel like this is the first day of school, when your the 1st person in class and your just waiting for more people to show up." Louis laughed, and agreed. Soon, the people flooded in, and dinner was served, much to Niall's relief. After the dinner came dessert: chocolate/vanilla cake, chocolate covered strawberries, the whole works.

The first song of the night was No Control, your favorite song on Four. "Y/BF/N, grab Niall and let's dance!" You called. She nodded and grabbed her now-boyfriend. You pulled Louis away from Liam and dragged him onto the floor. The dates of the other boys followed your lead.

"Having fun?" Louis shouted in your ear.

"Yeah! Thanks for inviting me Lou! I'm having an amazing time with you!" You both shared a kiss, even though dozens of people were crushing both of you. Oh well, gives you an excuse to get closer.

Author's Note!

So I'm updating this on the app and I have no clue who the YouTube video is made by. So sorry to whoever who made the video!!

I updated again!!! Yay me!!!

Thanks for reading guys! Love you!!


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