33.5) Four Album Release Party: Zayn

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You were having a day out with the Malik girls! Donya, Waliah, Safaa (A/N: I apologize for spelling! Please correct me on the actual spellings!) and Trisha were going shopping, getting your nails and hair done, and eating lunch together. You were shopping for the perfect outfit to wear to the launch party for One Direction's newest album, Four.

"So what color of dress are you thinking of wearing, sweetheart?" Trisha asked. The 5 of you sat in the nail salon, your feet soaking in warm, sudsy water.

"I don't know. I was leaning towards a one-shoulder white dress with triangle cutouts on the one arm." You showed her and Zayn's sisters the picture on your phone.

"Oh! I know exactly where to get that!" Safaa exclaimed. "Charlotte Russe has them, and they were on sale!" You grinned at her.

"Well, I know where my next stop is going to be." You finished up at the salon, your toes and fingers done in a French Tip style, your favorite. You walked to your favorite store with the Malik girls by your side.

"There it is!" Donya said, pointing at your dress. You rushed over, and snatched your size off the rack.

"You girls are the best!" You hugged each one of them. After spending another 15 minutes in Charlotte Russe, you head to Hot Topic, and buy any random music-printed item you can find, as well as some makeup.

~1 Hour Later~

Your shopping squad was sitting at Chili's, discussing the sales you each encountered.

"Bath and Body Works had some amazing sales! Y/N, did you go?" Trisha asked you. You nodded and held up your bag, containing 3 large candles, 4 shower gels with the matching body lotion, 2 perfumes, 5 hand sanitizers, and 2 new cases for them.

"I may or may not have wiped out the good candles." You grinned slyly at Momma Malik. Everyone at the table laughed, and then started to eat the delicious food that appeared at the table.

After everyone was finished eating and the bill was paid, your treat, the Maliks dropped you off at your house to get ready for tonight.

"Do you want any help?" Waliah asked, poking her head out of the backseat.

"I would love some help!" You smiled, unlocking the door. Trisha parked the car in your driveway. You and the Malik girls rushed upstairs and got to work.

~2 Hours Later~

Your Y/H/C was in loose curls down your back, your eyes were smoky and dark, and your lips were a dark red. As you stepped into your dress, you checked the girls' work in the mirror. They had done an amazing job!

You stepped into your pumps, sprayed Moschino on your wrist and neck, and added everything you would need into your clutch. With a final turn in the mirror, you walked down your stairs into your living room, where the Maliks were waiting.

"OMG Y/N your gorgeous!" Safaa exclaimed. Zayn look over, and his mouth dropped slightly, not saying anything.

"Picture time!" Trisha called.

You walked over to Zayn, who stood up, his eyes never leaving yours. "Lookin handsome, Z." You smiled, starring into his brown eyes.

He grinned. "As do you, Y/N." You both posed in front of your fireplace, and on the steps of your porch before heading out to the waiting limo.

~At the Party~

"Wow!" Louis commented, wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulder. "This is huge!"

"I didn't expect this big of a crowd." Niall says, leaning onto Liam's shoulder to get a better look out the window.

As the doors open, you put on your best smile. Although many of the girlfriends didn't like the interviews, you adored them. The flashing lights, the screams, it was all worth it.

"Ready?" Zayn asked you. You nodded, taking his hand. Together you both stepped out of the limo, greeted by screaming fans and photographers.

"Y/N!" "ZAYN!" "ONE DIRECTION!!!!!" "OVER HERE!" You smiled at each individual camera, making sure each pap got a picture of Zayn.

After answering some questions about the album, the upcoming tour, and your dress, you and Zayn headed inside.

The dinner was amazing, which pleased a very hungry Niall. After dessert, which was a chocolate mousse cake, was dancing. You were pulled out to the dance floor by the other 1D girls, and danced the night away.

With Zayn not being much of a dancer, you went over to join him at the table, where he was talking to one of the band members.

"Come and join us, Z! It'll be fun!" You smiled, taking his hand in yours.

Zayn looked at you, then down at your hands, then back at you. "Oh why not! How can I say no to you?" You grinned and pulled him out onto the dance floor. Your favorite song, Stronger by Kelly Clarkson started playing. Despite the fast tempo, your wrapped your arms around his neck, and his arms went to your waist. You pressed your forehead against his and swayed to a slower beat that was in both of your heads.

What a perfect way to celebrate your favorite One Direction album!

~Author's Note!

Video off to the side/on top is made by YayMoreZelda4Me on YouTube!

So I'm officially done with this preference! It was so much fun!

If there is a certain preference that you guys want to see, let me know in the comments!

Thank you guys so much for 2K reads! That number means so much to me you guys don't even know!

Keep reading and voting! Love you guys!


One Direction Preferences~Watty's 2015Where stories live. Discover now