3) Your First Kiss

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Your first kiss is on your second date. He had just taken you to see the new movie, Vampire Academy. You were currently watching the steamy scene between Rose and Dimitri, when your head is turned and a sweet pair of lips crash into yours. After a few minutes of kissing, Niall pulls back smiling. You kiss his nose and return to the movie.


You and Liam were both sitting at his flat with nothing to do.

"Li, I'm bored." You pout.

"No need to pout sweets. We'll figure something out!" He replies cheerfully.

You go to the kitchen to look for some chips when you come across a cookbook. "Why don't we make a cake?" You ask Liam when he comes into the kitchen.

"Sounds like a good idea, love." He says, getting all of the ingredients out.

An hour later, you have no idea what you 2 have gotten yourself into. You pull the cake out to reveal a floppy, misshaped cake.

"Could've been worse." Liam says.

"True. I did have fun though." You smile. He leans in slowly and kisses you on the lips.

You giggle and pull back. "You taste like sugar."

"That's a sign the cake is a success." He says.

"How?" You ask, tilting your head to the side.

"It's proof I put sugar in instead of salt."


It came out of no where. You 2 had been arguing over what you were going to eat for dinner, when he made a statement saying how it's not fair you always got to pick, and how him, as the male, deserved a say.

"If you're going to be that sexist, I'm out of here!" You said angrily, grabbing your purse, phone and keys. Suddenly, your forced to be turned around and greeted by Louis' lips on yours.

"Don't go love. That was rude of me to say, I'm sorry." Louis mumbled, his lips still on yours.

"I'm sorry for always deciding for us. You can pick tonight Lou."

"Thank you love."


You both had been craving a hot fudge sundae so you both walked to the nearest Dairy Queen.

"1 large hot fudge sundae please." Harry said.

"Thank you for paying. Next time, my treat!" You smile.

Harry smiled and grabbed the sundae and went to sit down at the bench. You sat across and took a few bites, and Harry feeding you some.

"You've got whipped cream on your lips (Y/N)." Harry grinned. "Allow me." He leaned in and kissed you softly. You both stayed like that until another car pulled up.

You smile. "Thank you Haz. Thank you."

"Anything for you, (Y/N)."


You were talking to him about the most random of things when he leaned in and kissed you.

"What was that for?" You smile, taking his hand.

"You looked so beautiful then, and I couldn't help it." Zayn said smiling. You leaned him and kissed him.

"You looked so prefect. I had to do it again!" You remark.

"Cheeky girl."

Authors Note!

Last 2 were horrible, I apologize! Thanks for reading!

I'm going to stop the vote thing, cause I like writing these, even if no one reads them!


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