2) First Date

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It's no secret Niall loves food. So, for your first date, he took you to Nando's! Where else would he take you. In honor of your first date as an official couple, he rented out the entire place just for the 2 of you. You both talked about your likes and dislikes, movies, books, and anything under the sun. After the date was over, Niall drove you home. Before leaving after walking you up to the door of your flat, he kisses you sweetly on the cheek.


For your first date, Liam took you to the beach. He wanted avoid the rowdy fans as much as possible so he could spend the day with you, so you and Liam brought a bunch of beach umbrellas to place all around you guys. Inside your "tent", you come up with an amazing idea!

"Let's build a sandcastle!" You exclaim excitedly.

Liam laughs. "Anything you want! But I bet I'm a better sandcastle builder than you!" He stuck his tongue out at you.

"Your on!" You challenge.

An hour later, you both finish building your sandcastles. To decide the winner, Liam posts a photo of the 2 sandcastles to Twitter and asks the fans. The fans ended up deciding yours was the best!

"See? I told you!" You cheered.

"Whatever (Y/N)." Liam pouts in the corner.

You smile at your pouty date and lean over to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Does that make it better?" You ask smiling.

"Very much so."


Louis had been so busy recording for the boys' 3rd album, so you guys haven't been able to meet up for your "official" first date as a couple. The day Louis has off, you both decide to go on a picnic. But, after you wake up, you see gray storm clouds rolling in. You text Louis what you see, but he doesn't text back.

A while later, you sitting on the couch, watching season 1 of Pretty Little Liars when your doorbell rings. It was a storming mess outside, so you had no idea who would be out in the rain, much less thunder and lightning.

You open the door to find a soaking wet Louis. "Louis what are you doing here?" You ask as you pull him inside to dry off.

"Our indoor picnic. Duh!" He said smiling.

You laugh. "Should've realized! What do we want to eat?"

Louis thought for a minute. "Want to order in? Pizza? Chinese?"

"Pizza sounds perfect Lou!" You get Louis a towel to dry off with as you order the food. The storm may have rained on your picnic, but it couldn't wash the smile on both of your faces away.


Both you and Harry have been going on dates for the past 2 months, but neither of you considered it an official date. One day, Harry texted you that a carnival was in town and was wondering if you wanted to go. You eagerly texted him back and ran to get ready.

"This doesn't look right!" You huff as you throw a denim looking shirt to the ground. You soon find an off white tank top with gold sequins and pair it with a black, cuffed denim jacked along with your shorts from Hollister and your black Converse slip-ons. After straightening your hair to perfection and a little bit of makeup, Harry texts you that he's outside. So, quickly grabbing your keys, phone, and wallet you run out to meet him.

"You look gorgeous." Harry says smiling.

"Thanks Harry. I love that shirt on you." You smile, running your hand down his shoulder, which is covered by an old band shirt. A look he can always pull off!

After the short drive, the 2 of you do everything possible at the fair. You both ride a few of the rides, eat delicious food, and manage to win each other a stuffed animal in the ring toss.

"I had an amazing time today, Harry." You blush, looking at the ground.

"So did I love. Did I do good at planning our first official date as a couple?" He says, grinning while holding his stuffed monkey you had won for him.

"Very much so." He drives you home, and in return for the perfect day, you lightly kiss him on the cheek.


Every girl wants her first date to go perfect, right? Well, your day has been the complete opposite. First, Zayn calls you up asking to go on the date and you, of course, agree. That's the good part. He's taking you to a fancy restaurant, also a good thing. But, lucky for you, you find that your fancy blue dress you love so much has a rip in it. Plus, your heels have mud stains from a benefit you had went to previously. You quickly wash the heels, and manage to sew the dress where the rip is.

"I wanna stay up all night and jump around until we see the sun!" You sing as you do your hair, making waves with your waver (Authors Note: Waver? Is that what it's called? Oh well :/). Your hair manage to wave perfectly. You then apply makeup, realizing you ran of our your favorite BB cream, and have to go without it, which makes your skin look darker than the rest of you.

'Almost ready love? xx' the text from Zayn reads.

'Almost! xxx' you type back to him. You put your earrings in, completely missing the hole in your ear, which then makes the side of your ear bleed a little. You get cleaned up and wait for Zayn to come.

"You look beautiful (Y/N)." Zayn says as you get in the car.

You blush and kiss his cheek. "Thank you. You look very very handsome tonight." That comment makes him light up.

Everything is going fine until a bunch of fans crash your date. Zayn quickly poses for pictures and signs autographs and shoos them off. It didn't help that your waitress was a mega fan, and completely ignored you all night. You sigh, dejected and watched as they flirted.

"Love, I'm so sorry about tonight. I didn't want her to be rude and do anything, and it may have came across as flirting but I didn't mean it. I am sorry." Zayn says after a silent drive back to your flat.

"Thank you for apologizing. I didn't mean to be rude and ignore you all night, but it felt awkward cause your a big st-" Your gorgeous date cuts you off with a sweet peck on the lips.

"Goodnight (Y/N). And thank you for understanding." He says smiling. You kiss him again before waving goodbye, and heading inside after a half and half day.

Authors Note!

Thanks for reading! 5+ votes for the next preference!

And I'm sorry if the first 2 preferences were sh*t! I get my creativity at night! Love you all!


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