10) A Fan Sends You a Death Threat

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Hey guys! I know I've done a similar preference, but lately, one of my favorite authors has been getting mulitple death threats from one person, and even though it's not me, it really hurts.

And I wanted to let you guys know, if any of you are being bullied, or depressed, or just want someone to talk to, I'm here for you guys!

Anyway, enjoy the preference!




It was a normal day in the flat you and Niall shared. He had just came home from tour, so you let him sleep in. You slide on one of Niall's jumpers, your favorite leggings, and a pair of Uggs and went outside to get the mail.

Since it was early in the morning, there weren't any fans outsdie your door, and you sighed in relief. Most of the mail was all for Niall, a few things for you here and there, but one caught your eye. It simply had your name on it and nothing else. You opened it, and immediately felt the tears coming. The letter read,

"We know where you live. Stay away from Niall, or we'll do it for you." with no signature. You cried for a good hour, but you didn't hear Niall coming downstairs.

"Morning Princess what's f-" he stopped, seeing you on the couch, crying. "Y/N what's wrong sweetheart?" Niall rushed to your side, gathering your weak body and holding it close to him.

You showed him the letter, and he skims it. You see tears brimming in the corner of his eyes.

"This is it. I'm done with all of this." He lightly pushed you to the end of the couch, and went to call Paul. Once he was off the phone, he came back and held you.

"Don't let me go, Ni. I love you." you whisper into his chest.

"Never in my wildest dreams, Y/N. I love you too."


You were lazily scrolling through Twitter when a certain tweet caught your eye. It read,

"I hope you realize we can kill you! It doesn't take that much." You took a screen shot of the tweet, and made a note of the hater's name and Twitter name. You felt alone with Liam at the studio, and also quite scared after the tweet.

Liam came home a few hours later, and you were curled up watching The Big Bang Theory, but not laughing.

"Sweetie what's wrong? You're usually in tears at this show." he noted, seeing your dull and sad expression.

Not saying anything, you showed him the evidence of the death threat. Once he read the word, "kill", he slammed the laptop shut and called his head of securtiy.

"No one is taking you away from me. Not now, not ever."


You and Louis had recently became engaged, and half of the fandom was in tears from the overload of feels. You learned to deal with the Larry Shippers, considering you had once been one. You had posted a photo of your ring to Instagram, not saying or hashtagging anything. Just a simple picture. One comment stuck out amoung the rest.

"Ur such a beard! I'll kill you you worthless slut!" the comment read. Normally, you would laugh at the comments saying you were a slut. This time was different. Louis ended up seeing the comment before you even told him it happened.

"Y/N, please tell me you belive this peasant. She's not worth anything." Louis had said later that night.

"Lou, it's all getting to be too much to handle! I can handle being called a beard, but a death threat?! I know nothing won't probably happen, but it's gotten so much worse I hate it!" You broke down.

Louis held you tight. "Don't worry, love. I'll make sure she pays. Just stay here, and everything will be ok."

By the next morning, the girl had been caught and arrested.


"go kill urself"

"i h8 u"

"if u dont kill urselff I WILL!"

This was nothing new to you. It's all you've been seeing lately. Harry still hasn't seen it yet, and you refused to be a wimpy girlfriend who depends on her boyfriend for everything. What you didn't know is, Harry had been keeping track of the so-called "fans" who have sent you hate.

Later that night, you and Harry were cuddling on the couch, watching Baby Daddy on ABC Family. A commericial for the movie, Cyber Bully came on and you cringed, thinking of the days' earlier tweets. Harry saw you, and held you tight.

"Y/N, I've reported every single one of those fans to security. I've seen you fight through it all, and I've waited for you to break, but you haven't. I'm proud of you baby. I love you."

You sat there, speechless at his words. You finally feel tears prick at your eyes. "I love you too Harry."


The fans hated you. Period. They loved Perrie but hated you. More than Mr. X and Plastic Bieber combined. Zayn had reported every single message, but security had enough to deal with. More death threats came in, and Zayn saw you break day by day. Each and every day and night, Zayn would hold you and whisper,

"Please stop believing them sweetie. You have practially 3 families behind you: Your family, my family, and the fans who love you. Don't let those fake fans get you down. Your worth it, love."

Each day, with Zayn's help, you got better and better.


Last 2 were shit. I've had a major headache all week. Love you guys



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