39) Song Preference: Run to You by Pentatonix

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"I have broken bones and tattered clothes

 I've run out of time"

You were tired of everything. Tired of the cheating allegations. Tired of the hate Niall's so-called "fans" gave you. Tired of your family treating you like crap all because you moved to London to be with Niall.

One day, you were running through the streets of London, not paying any attention as to where you were going. All you cared about was running, running for exercise, but most importantly, running from your problems.

You stopped in a busy park, but only to pull your hood up and put on your sunglasses. This was not a time to stop and talk to fans about Niall and about the OTRA tour. This was your "Me Time" and no one, not even Niall, was allowed to disturb that.

As you ran around the park, you thought about the mean comments the fans sent you. Most of them called you ugly, fat, stupid, and the most popular one, "Niall doesn't love you!" Each pounding step of your feet against the pavement reminded you of why you were doing this.

You finally stopped to catch your breath, away from everyone in the busy park.

"E-excuse me?" A little voice asked. You turned around and saw a small 7 year old girl, wearing, of course, a 1D shirt. "Are y-you Y/N, Niall Horan's girlfriend?"

Your shaky breaths started again, not knowing what to expect. "Y-yes I am."

The little girl smiled. "I just wanted to say I think your really pretty, and your boyfriend is too!" She was grinning ear to ear.

You smiled, all of the hate comments that were drilled into your head suddenly disappeared/ "Why thank you," You bent down to her level. "What's your name?"

The little girl smiled shyly. "Carmen."

You pulled out your phone and secretly texted Niall to call you, knowing how thrilled it would make the little girl.

"So what's your favorite One Direction-" your phone started ringing. You pulled it out and acted surprise. "Why it's Niall! Would you like to answer?"

Carmen's eyes lit up. "Really??" You smiled and clicked the call accept button. 

"Ello? Y/N what did you want? Are you ok?" Niall's voice rang out.

"H-Hi N-Niall. I'm Carmen. Your girlfriend said I could answer her phone."

"Did she? Well that was very nice of her!" You could tell Niall was smiling. They talked for the next several minutes until Carmen's mother came looking for her.

"Bye, Niall! And thank you Y/N!" She took off running towards her mother.

"That was sweet of you Y/N." Niall said, sounding proud.

"Thanks, Ni. I'll see you at home." You hung up and started running back. Only this time, the only thing that was in your head was the thought that maybe things can get better.


"But your heart drifted off,

Like the land split by sea."

Lately, Liam hasn't felt like doing much of anything relating to the band. He rarely posts on Instagram or Twitter, and he hasn't done a Twitcam in which what feels like decades.

The 2 of you were sitting in your living room, you on your computer, scrolling through Facebook, and Liam, watching a movie. Looking down your newsfeed, you saw a couple of the fan 1D pages saying how "Liam hasn't been Liam". You thought about the past few months, where Liam has been dead quiet on all forms of social media. The fans, you realized, were right.

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