27.3.4)The Series of Christmas! Part Four: Christmas Shopping with Louis + Harry

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Louis was sick, and needed someone to look after him. No one is better than his favorite person in the world! Unfortunetly, today was the day you planned to get all of your Christmas shopping done, including Lou's. But with him home sick, it would be impossible without him snooping.

While Louis slept, you sat next to him with you laptop, phone, and iPad stretched all across your comforter. You had declared today the new Cyber Monday, being camped out upstairs. You had just finished buying the presents for your family when Louis woke up.

"Hey, Y/N," Louis said, in a weak whisper.

You turned to the sick boy beside you. "Yes, Lou?"

"Can we watch a movie, now?" You shook your head. Louis had been wanting to watch a movie all day, with you saying no each time. He needed rest if he wanted to get back to work with his friends.

"Louis, you need rest."

"But, maybe I'll fall asleep during the movie! Especially if we watch Love Actually, then I'm bound to fall asleep!" He smiled his lazy smile as you hit his chest lightly.

"Fine. Just 1, then your getting some rest!" Louis smiled. You made sure to shut your laptop so he couldn't snoop through your computer. After putting in The Outsiders, you went back to shopping. As Pony Boy and Johnny ran away, you were shopping for the girls. Sophia was getting a pair of Vans and a necklace. Perrie was getting a bunch of nail care stuff, her latest obessions. For Gemma, you decided on new phone cases in her favorite colors.

"Y/N. Could you possibly get me some tea and crackers?" Louis asked, pausing the movie. You nodded and saved everything to your cart. You kissed Lou's cheek and headed downstairs. After brewing Louis' favorite tea and getting the box of saltine crackers (A/N: Am I the only one in love with these? I could eat them all day if I could.), you headed back upstairs, to find Louis scrolling through his phone.

"Here you go, babe." Louis thanked you, and drank his tea and took small bites of the crackers. "Back to the movie? Or do you wanna sleep?"

Louis clicked the movie back on as his answer, and you smiled. Back to shopping. You had bought most of Louis' gifts already, but now it was time to shop for his birthday present. You and Louis had agreed to only buy each other 1 present on your birthdays, to make things easier when it came time for Christmas.

Louis fell asleep just as the movie ended, and your shopping was complete. Now it was time to keep an eye on the door, waiting for Mr. Postman with your presents.


This year, you and Harry wanted to do Christmas shopping alone. There had been this big arguement over who takes too long, and who is forced to carry more bags, which is you, and it was all basically bullshit. However, you liked this arrangement. Yes, you loved doing things with Harry, but it gave you time to think about your family more without being rushed.

You had left for the mall while Harry was at work. It was a good time, since you knew he and the boys were busy practicing for the upcoming tour. You had sent Liam to do your dirty work: find out what Harry wants for Christmas.

'So far nothin' read Liam's latest text. You groaned. Harry usually kept his mouth shut about this kind of thing until last minute.

'Bring up Christmas somehow!' you sent back. You waited, and waited. You gave up after 10 minutes of waiting, firguring they got back to work. So, you got to work on your family. For your mom, you purchased the newest novel by her favorite author, as well as a few new books you thought she would like. For your dad, you got him a new tool kit. His tools were always stolen by your brother, so you always bought him a new one.

Your phone chirpped. You unlocked it and read the new text. 'He wants new boots' read the text from Liam. Perfect! You knew exactly what kinds he wanted. You walked into Hollister, where they were having a sale on all Men's clothing.

'And a bunch of new clothes.' read Liam's next text. This one came soon after you left Hollister. You had already bought him a bunch of clothes from there, as well as a gift card so he could buy what he wanted. You also bought a new tank top and skater skirt for yourself. Why not?

You headed into Hallmark, your favorite place to buy ornaments. Last year, Harry bought you a Christmas stocking which he had painted "H+Y/I (A/N: Y/I is Your Initial) 2013", symbolizing your first Christmas together. This year, you were going to do the same thing. It was only your 2nd Christmas with Harry, but it was now an unspoken tradition.

You finished buying all of the presents and headed home, where Harry's car was parked. You left his presents in your trunk while carrying the rest of your presents.

"Hey babe." Harry called from the couch, getting up.

You smiled and gave him a small kiss. "Hey Haz. How was practice?"

"Boring. How was shopping?" Harry eyed your bags, wondering which ones were his.

"Succesful, and don't even think about peeking. Your presents are at one of the girls' house." You came up with a quick lie. What Harry didn't know won't hurt him.

Author's Note!

This one sucked, I admit it. Zayn's will be better I promise!

Thanks for reading, guys!


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