27.1.2)The Series of Christmas! Part Four: Christmas Shopping with Niall + Liam

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"It's actually quiet in here today." You commented to Niall. The 2 of you were wandering around the mall shopping for Christmas presents.

"Thank God. No rowdy teenage girls here to mob me." Niall said, wrapping his arm around your waist.

"I know, it's actually really nice." You say smiling. "Ok, onto the main reason why we're here," you pulled out your phone. "Christmas shopping." You had made a list of everyone you had to buy for. And there was a lot.

"Ok. Who's up first?" Niall asks. You look at your list. The boys were the first ones up there.

"The boys. That's your department." You say, gazing in at the Bath and Body Works store window.

"Your helping!" Niall exclaimed.

You shook your head. "I'm going to get the girls' presents. You get the boys'." With that, you disappear into the store. For Danielle, since you were still great friends with her, you buy the Japanese Cherry Blossom perfume, spray, gel, and hand sanitizer. For Eleanor (A/N: Any hate and you will be reported. Js) you buy her the exact same thing only in Winter Candy Apple, since it's her favorite scent. You bough Perrie is the Warm Vanilla Sugar package, Sophia the Secret Wonderland, and Gemma the Cashmere Glow. You pay for your items and walk around the mall looking for Niall.

He texts you that he's in front of Bath and Body Works so you circle around to your favorite store. When you arrive, his arms are filled with bags.

"Is that just the boys'?" You ask.

Niall shakes his head. "No. I also got my dad's present from both of us, and your dad's present. I figured it would save time so we could go home." You smiled.

"Great idea! Now all that we have left is our moms. What do we get them?" Niall shrugged, and you both began walking around the mall, looking into random store windows. You were passing the lottery store when you game up with an idea. "Hey! I know." You pointed to the Lottery Christmas Tree, which was just a bunch of lottery tickets stacked like a Christmas tree.

"I don't think my mum, or your mum plays the lottery." Niall says, eyeing it warily.

"Not a lottery tree, but we could get them a bunch of gift cards, preferebly one to every store in this mall, and stack them like a Christmas tree! We could even put one of our pictures in one of those frame ornament things and make it like an actual Christmas tree." You were thrilled by this idea. So thrilled, you spoke all in one giant rush, making Niall laugh.

"Smart idea, Y/N! Let's get the cards!" You both turned around and went into every store your mothers' liked, buying 2 $15 gift cards from each. Niall drove you both home after a while, and made you a nice cup of hot chocolate.


You were sitting in the food court, waiting for Liam to get done with some things for the upcoming album. Today was the day you and Liam planned to go Christmas shopping. Christmas shopping was your favorite part of the holiday, other than seeing your families all together. You loved the idea of buying things your family would like, then wrapping them. For some reason, you just loved it.

"Hey, Y/N!" Liam called, coming over to you. You got up from your chair and smiled. You had been waiting only 30 minutes, and in that time, you had bought every single one of your families' presents.

"Hey, Li. How was work?" You hugged him and gave him a quick kiss, since neither of you liked PDA as much.

"Boring without you!" Liam eyes the bags behind you. "Did you start without me?" The bags behind you were your family's presents, as well as Liam's.

"No, they're just for my family. Ready to go?" He nodded, and helped you grab the bags. You made sure the grab the bags that contained his presents.

"Who's up first, Y/N?" You looked at your phone where you keep your list. Liam's parents were first.

"Your mom and dad are first. I didn't want to forget them so I put them on top. What do they want for Christmas?"

Liam shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe some gift cards or new kitchen stuff for mum. Dad probably wants a new watch, since I practically stole his." You grinned.

"Any of those will work. Let's go!" You both started off towards JC Penny's where you bought all of your own kitchen stuff. You and Liam bought his mom a bunch of pots, pans, and utensils, figuring you could tie them together with ribbon and make a gift basket. You also bought a $50 gift card for Karen, so she can buy what she wants with it.

"Next is your dad." The 2 of you, now struggling with the bags a little, went to the watch store. Liam buys his dad a watch, and you buy him a watch, just to make sure he has another one of Liam tries to steal it.

"Now who?" Liam asks, putting the small bag in a bigger bag. You look at the list. The boys and the girls.

"4/5 of One Direction and their girlfriends."

Liam said he would get the boys' presents, and you would get the girls'. For Eleanor, you buy her 2 sets of earrings and necklaces. For Perrie, you purchase a Bath and Body works gift set in Sweet Pea. Gemma is the last, but never the least, on your list. You buy her a pair of boots she had been eyeing and a new scarf that matched the boots.

You met Liam at the car. "How did it go, Li?" You ask, helping him load the bags into the car.

"Pretty well, how did yours go?" Liam asked.

"Got it all done! Let's go home, we can wrap them tomorrow!" You both got into the car and drove home, where you happily curled up in Liam's arms while watching a movie.

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