40.2) Packing for the Trip

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It was still unreal that you were going to Disney World. Even though you sounded like a 4 year old, you bounced around the house, singing every Disney song known to the world.

Since you and Niall were going to Florida for 3 weeks, you dug out 2 large suitcases and backpack. You pulled out your phone and opened the Notes, where you had constructed a list of clothing that you needed.

"Let's see." you mumbled, scrolling through the note. You grabbed each item of clothing as you looked through the list. Opening the dresser, you pulled out several tops of different styles. You folded them nicely and put them into the suitcase. You did the same with your shorts and jeans, since the weather in Florida can be unpredictable.

"Hey, Princess. Whatcha doing?" Niall asked, coming into your shared bedroom.

"Just packing for our trip!" You said, folding your last pair of pants. Your 1st suitcase was already half-full, and you only put 10 items in there.

Niall peeked around your body and saw the half-filled suitcase. "You gonna have enough room?"

You nodded. "Yup! I'm pretty sure I will!" You tossed in a few bras and underwear into the suitcase, then folded them and placed them underneath your shirts and pants. You grabbed your Victoria's Secret bag, containing 3 new swim suits, and dumped them onto the bed. "Did you start packing yet?" you asked Niall.

"No. All I need is shirts, pants, and underwear. I'm not the one who brings his entire closet." Niall snickered.

You laughed sarcastically. "So funny, Niall James Horan. So funny."

"I know I am." Niall laughed and left the room. You shook your head at his retreating figure. Boys just don't understand a thing.


"There!" you said as you zipped your last suitcase. After 2 hours of packing and organizing your 2 suitcases and backpack, you were ready to go to Disney World. Since you and Liam were going away for a whole 2 weeks, you thought that 2 suitcases seemed appropriate, as they would hold the necessities and any souvenirs the 2 of you bring back from your trip.

Liam came into your shared bedroom, carrying both of his empty suitcases and his backpack. "Can I have the bed now, Y/N? I need to pack my stuff as well."

You smiled. Since you were bringing a lot of clothes and bathroom stuff with you, you had claimed the bed for a couple hours so you could organize everything so it would be nice and neat when you got to the hotel. "Yup! All yours, Li."

Liam laid his suitcases in the exact same spot where yours has been. "Can you help me, Y/N? Your a better folder person than I am." He pouted and you shook your head smiling. You couldn't help but fall for that little pout of his.

"Aww how can I say no to you? Of course I'll help," You grabbed one of his t-shirts and started folding it. As you were reaching for another, Liam ran out of the room. "Li! Where are you going? I'm not doing this all by myself!"

Liam returned to the room, laughing, and holding his phone. "Calm down, babe. I wouldn't do that to you, no matter how much I hate folding. If we're gonna work," he tapped his screen a couple times, and Ref by Pentatonix started playing through the speaker. "We're gonna have some fun."

You nodded in approval of his selection and resumed folding, lightly singing along.

"DON'T YOU REMEMBER BACK IN THE DAY WHEN ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS!!!!!!!!" You and Liam belted out together and started laughing. You haven't even left yet but you could tell this was going to be a good trip.

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