23) Night Changes Song Preference

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"Having no regrets

is all that

she really wants"

You have regretted every stupid thing you've ever done since 6th grade, and trust me, there's a lot of them. Everytime you do something you shouldn't have, you regret it years later. Niall has been trying to help you let go of these regrets, but hasn't had any luck yet.

"Princess, everyone makes mistakes." He tells you every other day.

"Yeah, but none are as stupid as mine." You reply to him, making him groan.

"Y/N, I've made even worse mistakes than those."

You looked at him confused. "Like what?"

Niall laughed. "You don't wanna know. All I'm going to say is one of my mistakes involved a razor, and my dog," You smiled and shook your head. "Listen, babe, you learn from you mistakes. And those mistakes help shape who you are and your life. What if you didn't make one of those mistakes, and it changed your life completely?"

You looked away, considering his wise words, then looked into his deep blue eyes. "What your saying makes sense, I guess."

Niall took your hands into his. "Don't guess, Princess. Just know." His lame comment made you giggle, making him smile.


"Everything that you've ever dreamed

Dissapearing when you wake up"

You woke up late one night and looked around. You weren't in your room that you shared with Liam, but in your own room back at your parents' house. You start to panic, walking around the room, looking for anything of your, hopefully, life the past 2 years. There was nothing there, just memories from your childhood.

You head down the stairs and see your parents sitting at the kitchen table.

"Mom! Dad!" You called to them. But they ignored you. You kept calling their names, and waving your arms around like a maniac, but they still ignored you. Your old family dog, slowly wandered into the kitchen. You kneeled down to his level and tried to pet him, but your hands went through his head.

You shot up out of bed, panting and rubbing your sweaty forehead. You looked around and saw your room in your flat with Liam, without Liam by your side.

The light in your bathroom clicked off, and Liam stepped out. "Y/N? You ok babe?" His voice, laced with sleep, asked you.

"Just a bad dream." You leaned into his side, and he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Need to talk about it?" He asked, holding you in his arms.

You smiled, and shook your head. "Not something I want to relive. Let's go to sleep." Liam smiled and layed back with you on his chest. His breathing slowed instantly and he was fast asleep. You looked around your room, thankful that it was only a dream.


"She's falling

Doesn't even know it yet"

You had no intentions on falling in love with Louis. He was your mortal enemy, always picking on you, and you picked right back. This went on all throughout high school, but then he left for the X Factor. When he left, you were distraught. You felt like life had no meaning without the person who made you smile. Sure he annoyed you, but it was the good kind of annoying.

It was a year after Louis left, and you became One Direction's biggest fan. When he had left, you came to the realization that you were in love with Louis, no questions about it. You bought every piece of merchandise you could, bought every album, on your phone and CD, but had never been to a concert.

For your birthday, your parents had gotten you tickets for one of their concerts, and you were thrilled to finally see Louis again after so many years. The seats were front row too, BONUS! And you had the perfect plan. When you and your best friend got to the concert, you had rolled a piece of paper into a ball and intended of throwing it at Louis, something he'd done constantly done to you.

During their song, "C'mon C'mon" Louis was in front of the 2 of you. You aimed carefully and launched the paper ball at Louis. You cheered as it hit his head and he looked around. He heard your laugh and looked down. Those blue eyes met your (Y/E/C) eyes and you both smiled.

"Hi Y/N."


"Chasing her tonight

Doubts are running 'round her head"

You ran from Harry, running from the fact the fight you 2 just had has been your biggest fight yet. It was over the new tour, and how he'll be gone for over a year. He had started arguing that you never supported him by coming on tour, and you argued that someone had to take care of the house and Dusty, his precious cat.

You had never seen Harry so mad. The last time he was like this was at the newest "Haylor" article. Harry had started breaking everything in sight, and had finally broke down crying, saying how she wouldn't leave him alone (Author's Note: I don't mean any hate towards Taylor! No hating in the comments either!).

Harry hadn't been that far behind you when you ran out, but you lost him as you took a shortcut through the woods. You arrived at the playground where you first met Harry, and ducked into a play tube that kids crawl through. You made sure you were covered by the tube, and finally started to cry. You had no idea what to do. You loved Harry, but you didn't know if you could handle not having him here for over a year.

"Y/N?" His sweet voice called. You covered your mouth, still crying, and tucked yourself into a ball, almost getting stuck. "Baby I'm sorry I snapped. Please forgive me!" You could hear the sadness in his voice. Suddenly, a thump sounded from the top of the tube. Harry sat on the tube.

You gave up and punched the lump, making it dissapear. You crawled out and hugged him tighty, his long arms wrapping around your torso. Nothing more needed to be said.


"We're only getting older baby

And I've been thinking about you lately"

Zayn loved you. You loved Zayn. The fans loved you. His family loved you. Your family loved him. The boys loved you. Zayn loved you. There was only one thing to do about this: marry you. Zayn was focused on making you the new Mrs. Malik. The 2 of you have been together for 5 years, being best friends your entire life. You were his rock, he was your sanctuary. So, in order to get you to say yes, he needed a plan.

He went to Liam for advice, and the 2 of them came up with a brilliant plan. A scavenger hunt. He had set up clues all over town which would lead you back to where you first met: the front steps of your childhood home.

The next day, you woke up and Zayn wasn't beside you. In his place was a rose with a note attached. The note says, "Good Morning baby. All over town are roses just like this with notes just like this. The first rose is where we spent all night in each other's arms. Get dressed and start hunting!" You did as you were told and started hunting.

4 hours later, you were on the front steps of your old home. Zayn came out of the front door smiling. "You found me!"

You giggled and nodded. "Yup! I got pretty stumped at the bakery clue."

Zayn laughed. "Good, becuse this is the exact time we met, 18 years ago. And I haven't stopped loving you since. So," He got down on one knee. "Y/N, will you do me the honor and spend the rest of your life with me?" You were crying at this point, so you nodded, not being able to form any words. This is one romantic Bradford Bad Boi.

~Author's Note!~

Night Changes is by far my favorite song on Four! What's your favorite song on the new album?

Like, Comment, and Add to Library! Thank you guys for reading and I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I am so greatful for each and everyone of you guys!


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