24.5) The Series of Christmas! Part One: Decorating with Zayn!

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It all started when you and Zayn bought a cat. You were beyond thrilled since your childhood cat passed away from old age. It was a fluffy Persian kitten who Zayn named Nutters, after a Nutter Butter. It was an early birthday present. The next few months were perfectly fine, Nutters growing into a beautifui Persian cat.

That was 3 months ago. Now, it was Black Friday, and you and Zayn wanted to stay home and decorate.

"How much stuff do we have?" Zayn asked, lugging the 2nd ornament box down from the attic.

"2 boxes it not a lot, Z. Besides, there's only the box of outside decorations left and the indoor lights." You gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Then the real work begins." You laugh as Zayn pretends to collapse on the floor.

About 10 minutes later, the 2 of you are downstairs again, only to find Nutters clawing at the Christmas tree box.

"Nutters! Bad kitty." Zayn says, pulling the eager cat away from the box. You quickly set up the tree while Zayn restrains the eager kitty.

"I think we may have a problem." You mumble, seeing Nutters' eyes gazing at the tall wonder. His eyes were like your's when you saw a fresh batch of Boston Creme donuts (A/N: cause why not man? i mean, we all get like this eventually).

"Nah, he'll be fine, Y/N." Zayn put up the gates around each entrance of the living room, and placed Nutters on the other side with some toys. You shrug and start untangling lights. 5 minutes later, you've untangled each strand of lights and start unwrapping the garland.

Nutters isn't as dumb as you think. In that short time frame, he has mastered the way of getting out of his "prison": jumping. After several failed attempts, Nutters sails over the gate with ease and starts to play with the garland.

"Nutters!" You holler, causing Zayn to look up from his job of winding the lights. You pry the shiny silver garland away from his mouth. Startled by your shouting, the cat runs off, Zayn chasing after him. He catches him in the corner, Nutters not having learned the way out is through someone's legs, and puts him in the basement, shutting the door behind him.

"That cat, swear to God." Zayn mumbles under his breath. You, however, are smiling.

"You did buy him for me." You giggle, making Zayn smile.

"Your right, Wanna help with the lights?" You nod, and finish winding the lights around the tree. Next came the garland, thankfully, Nutters didn't ruin it, only a few of the snowflakes torn off. No one could tell though.

"Wait, Zayn. Don't put garland at the bottom." You warn him.

Zayn looks confused. "Why not?" He asks.

"Nutters. Shiny Objects." You remind him. I look of recognition crosses his face and he doubles the garland around the middle. Half an hour later, all that's left is the shiny ribbon Zayn has always put on his tree, and the angel.

"Where's the tinsel?" Zayn asked, looking in empty boxes.

"Down in the base-shit." You both look to each other and race downstairs. To your dismay, the Persian was laying in a bed of tinsel, batting at some that was stuck on his paw. "C'mon Nutters!" You say, untangling the still-young cat from his mess. Zayn gathers the tinsel, making a small bow with extra ribbon to tie around something.

"He wants it so bad," Zayn mumbles, taking Nutter from your arms. "He's gonna get some." He then proceeds to tie the bow around the cat's head. Once he was through, Zayn set him down on the now clean floor. Poor Nutters didn't know what to do, crying at the thing on his head.

You both started laughing, taking it off of his head. "That'll teach you."

~Author's Note!~

Lol I finally finished Part One of The Series of Christmas...how many weeks later?

Next in The Series of Christmas will probably be about the movies, even though I mentioned a few in the previous Part One's. Short, sweet, and to the point!

Thanks for reading guys!


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