14) Song Preference: Clarity by Zedd

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High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life

For the past 2 weeks, you and Niall had done nothing but fought with each other. It wasn't even over anything major, it was just the little things that he did that ticked you off. He never helped around the house, never had attended one of your sports games (A/N: If your into sports. I'm not...but yeah. You get the picture.), and was always coming home late. You had enough. You ran out of his flat and ran to the beach. It was deserted, for it was a cold day. You dive into the water, fully clothed.

"I'm sick of us fighting Niall! It's not fair to me that I have do to everything around here! Yes, your job is hard, I get that and I understand! The least you could do is unload and reload the dishwater!" The past argument was still fresh in your brain. There were so many words you didn't mean to say, but you quickly pushed them out of your head.

You came up from the icy waters for some air. Once you wiped your eyes, you saw your blonde Irish boy standing there, holding a towel and a coat.

"What are you doing here?" You spat at him.

"Princess. I'm sorry for fighting with you the past few weeks. You don't deserve it, and I'm sorry." Niall mumbled, kicking the sand that layat his feet.

"I apprieciate that, Ni. It's not fair. You get to do all of the traveling while I'm stuck at home. The least you could do is fold your own laundry." You get out of the water and greatfully accept the towel.

"Already done. I cleaned the entire house as soon as you left. And I have food ordered and is waiting for us to pick up." Niall smiled proudly at his accomplishments and wrapped the jacket around you. You kissed him on the cheek, took his hand, and began to walk to his car.


If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

It was no secret that you annd Liam's relationship was a crazy one. He's 1/5 of the world's biggest boyband, and one of the ones every girl wishes to date. When the fans get riled up, which is very often, you start to think about your life without all of this mayhem.

"What's wrong love?" Liam asks you one day. It was a day where the fans descided to gang up on you and send you loads of hate tweets on Twitter and nasty messages on Instagram.

"Nothing. Just thinking, that's all." You say, taking a sip of your Starbucks Pink Lemonade.

"Thinking about what?" Liam pours himself a glass as well, and you couldn't help but smile, seeing him drink the sweet, pink liquid.

"Just about my life, our life, without this nonsense," you motion to your laptop sitting open on Twitter on the island in the kitchen. "What would it be like if you weren't so famous and popular?"

He sat there, thinking about it. "Well for one thing, we'd still have each other. We may have met thanks to this craziness, but I still believe we were made for each other." He sets his glass down and takes your hands.

You smile at his sweet response. "Without you, Li, I'd be nothing. Your my answer to everything."

"Glad to hear it love."

"Since your my answer to everything, wanna help me bash these haters?" You smile.

Liam nodded, "With pleasure, darling."


'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need

One Direction Preferences~Watty's 2015Where stories live. Discover now