37) He's Sick

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! I am so sorry for the lack of updates! The past weeks have been hectic with my State Testing, my finals, and band practice for a parade this past weekend and most importantly catching up on sleep!

But, now that all of that is done and over with, be expecting some longer preferences, all updated on Monday!

Thank you guys so much for 2.8K reads! I cannot express how thankful I am to all of you guys who have voted and read my preferences, but most of all, put up with my crazy ass life!

Enough blabbing, let's get on with the story!


You had just got home from a long day at work. It had been a very crazy day. Everyone had called off sick, leaving you to pick up everyone's slack.

"Y/N? Is that you?" Your boyfriend called. His voice sounded muffled, making you confused.

"Yeah, it's me, Ni. Where are you?" You called into the empty living room.

"Under here." A lump of blankets moved on your couch. You did a double take. When did that get there? It wasn't there a few seconds ago.

"What are you doing under the blankets?" You walk over to the lump and lift the blankets. Niall buried his head under the pillows that were stuffed in his fort.

"Don't!" Niall cried out, his hands going to the side of his face. The puzzle pieces in your head finally snapped together: a migraine! Once in a while, Niall will get extremely bad migraines, that leave him almost crippled. He rarely gets out of bed, and when he does, he cries the entire time.

"I'll fetch the pills." You shut the blanket curtain and rubbed his back. You opened the medicine cabinet and find the medicine. Taking 2 pills out of the white bottle, you brew a cup of Niall's favorite cup of tea, and open a small pack of saltine crackers. Loading everything onto a small dinner tray, you walk slowly into the living room to avoid spilling anything.

Niall's head is still buried under his little fort. "Of course I get sick on the last rehearsal before the tour starts." He mumbles. You can hear how disappointed he is. 

"Ni, everyone gets sick. And I mean everyone! Almost 10 people called off at work today. You're not the only one." Niall nodded slowly, at least you think he did. It was hard to see because of the pile of blankets. Grabbing the pills and the cup of tea, you open his curtain a little bit. "Here you go, baby." His hand appears to take the pills, disappears for a minute, then reappears to grab the cup of tea. After a few gulps, the cup returns to the living room, empty.

"Thank you Princess. Can I have another cup?" He mumbles. You rub his back in response, and brew another cup of tea.

After returning with the tea, you set it pack on the tray, and sit next to his feet, rubbing the back of his legs. "Don't worry Niall. I'll take care of you." He nudged your legs in response. You laid on the other side of the couch, your legs mixing in with his. Shutting all the curtains and turning off the lights, you grab your iPad and start playing the Kim Kardashian Hollywood game.


Due to his kidney crisis when he was a kid, health has always been his top priority, not including you, family, fans, etc.  When he gets sick, he gets sick.

While at work, you receive a text from Liam.

'Y/N can you pick up some crackers, Sierra Mist, and a heating pad?'

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